apocryphal alternatives and similar packages
Based on the "Testing" category.
Alternatively, view apocryphal alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
Bypass provides a quick way to create a custom plug that can be put in place instead of an actual HTTP server to return prebaked responses to client requests. -
Interactive watch mode for Elixir's mix test. https://hexdocs.pm/mix_test_interactive/ -
A simple Elixir package to elegantly mock module functions within (asynchronous) ExUnit tests using Erlang's :meck library
CodeRabbit: AI Code Reviews for Developers
Do you think we are missing an alternative of apocryphal or a related project?
Swagger based documentation driven development for ExUnit
def deps do
[{:apocryphal, "~> 0.2.0", only: [:test, :dev]}]
mix deps.get
mix apocryphal.init
Add HTTPoison.start
to test_helper.exs:
Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.mode(PetStore.Repo, :manual)
Configure for Phoenix (HTTP Requests, SQL Sandbox)
Configure test.exs
env to use Ecto SQL Sandbox and serve content
config :YOUR_APP, YOUR_APP.Endpoint,
http: [port: 4001],
server: true
config :YOUR_APP, :sql_sandbox, true
Configure lib/YOUR_APP/endpoint.ex
if Application.get_env(:YOUR_APP, :sql_sandbox) do
plug Phoenix.Ecto.SQL.Sandbox
Configure Apocryphal
config :apocryphal,
port: 4001,
host: "localhost",
serializers: %{
"application/json" => fn(body) -> Poison.encode!(body) end
deserializers: %{
"application/json" => fn(body) -> Poison.decode!(body) end
Configure for Plug
Generating an API verification test
Parse swagger documentation into ExUnit tests
mix apocryphal.gen.test V1.Pets --only=^\/pets --swagger-file=./docs/pet_store.yml
mix apocryphal.gen.test V1.Stores --only=^\/stores --swagger-file=./docs/pet_store.yml
"One big file" mode:
mix apocryphal.gen.test V1.PetAPI --swagger-file=./docs/pet_store.yml
Then just run mix test
Full Example
Check out the Petz Sample Phoenix app
defmodule PetStore.V1.PetAPITest do
use Apocryphal.Case
alias PetStore.Pet
alias PetStore.Store
@swagger "./docs/pet_store.yml"
@mime "application/json"
test "[GET] /stores (200)" do
%Store{ address: "123 Ship St.",
city: "Los Angeles",
state: "CA",
postal_code: "90210" } |> Repo.insert!
# assert_schema/1 will dispatch the transaction if a request isn't
# present, or it can be manually dispatched
|> Apocryphal.Transaction.get("/stores", 200, @mime)
|> Apocryphal.Transaction.dispatch
|> assert_schema
# @swagger
# |> Apocryphal.Transaction.get("/stores", 200, @mime)
# |> assert_schema
test "[GET] /pets (200)" do
%Pet{ name: "Chauncy", type: "dog" } |> Repo.insert!
|> Apocryphal.Transaction.get("/pets", 200, @mime)
|> put_in([:request, :params], [limit: 20])
|> assert_schema
test "[POST] /pets (201)" do
pet_params = %{ pet: %{ name: "Chuancy", type: "cat" } }
|> Apocryphal.Transaction.post("/pets", 201, @mime)
|> put_in([:request, :body], pet_params)
|> assert_schema
test "[POST] /pets 422" do
pet_params = %{ pet: %{ name: "Doge", type: "pupperino" } }
|> Apocryphal.Transaction.post("/pets", 422, @mime)
|> put_in([:request, :body], pet_params)
|> assert_schema
test "[GET] /pets/{id} (200)" do
pet = %Pet{name: "Chauncy", type: "cat"} |> Repo.insert!
|> Apocryphal.Transaction.get("/pets/{id}", 200, @mime)
|> put_in([:request, :path_params], %{"id" => pet.id})
|> assert_schema
test "[GET] /pets/{id} (404)" do
|> Apocryphal.Transaction.get("/pets/{id}", 404, @mime)
|> put_in([:request, :path_params], %{"id" => "-1"})
|> assert_schema
Using remote swagger files
Under the hood Apocryphal uses ExJsonSchema. To set up resolves for remote schemas see the ExJsonSchema docs
Note for Umbrella apps
If you are creating an umbrella app YOUR_APP
above should be the app containing the ecto repo!
Issues have been experience with async tests with umbrella apps where Ecto raises an Ownership.Error
. Setting the tests explicitly as async: false
fixes this.