
Programming language: Elixir
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Blitzy - A simple HTTP load tester in Elixir

Inspired by this post by Victor Martinez of WatchSumo.

% ./blitzy -n 100 http://www.bieberfever.com

Distributed Blitzy

It is way more fun to start distributed. Edit the provided config/config.exs with whatever node name suits your fancy. This is optional, and you can stick to the provided one.

config :blitz, master_node: :"[email protected]"

config :blitz, slave_nodes: [:"[email protected]", 
                             :"[email protected]",
                             :"[email protected]"] 

Here, the master node is :[email protected]; the rest are slave nodes.

Start up a couple of nodes, and name them accordingly. For example, here's how to start one of them:

% iex --name [email protected] -S mix

Now, when you run the the command

% ./blitzy -n 100 http://www.bieberfever.com

the requests will be split across the number of nodes you created, including the master node. Here's an example run:

17:03:30.600 [info]  worker [[email protected]] completed in 5451.854 msecs

17:03:30.600 [info]  worker [[email protected]] completed in 5258.639999999999 msecs

17:03:30.600 [info]  worker [[email protected]] completed in 5272.281 msecs

17:03:30.600 [info]  worker [[email protected]] completed in 5452.012 msecs

17:03:30.600 [info]  worker [[email protected]] completed in 5258.318 msecs

17:03:30.600 [info]  worker [[email protected]] completed in 5300.413 msecs
17:03:31.023 [info]  worker [[email protected]] completed in 5653.303 msecs
  Succeeded         : 50
  Failures          : 0
  Total time (msecs): 542665.9879999999
  Avg time   (msecs): 1629.6275915915912

17:03:31.024 [info]  worker [[email protected]] completed in 5609.749 msecs
  Succeeded         : 50 
  Failures          : 0
  Total time (msecs): 485414.8010000001
  Avg time   (msecs): 1457.7021051051054

Building the Executable

mix escript.build