Bolt.Sips v0.2.1 Release Notes

Release Date: 2017-02-20 // about 7 years ago
    • stop retrying a request if the failure is an internal one (driver, or driver dependencies related).
    • update the Boltex driver containing two important bug fixes: one where Boltex will fail when receiving too much data (florinpatrascu/bolt_sips/issues/16) and the other one, an improvement, make Boltex.Error.get_id/1 more resilient for new transports (details here: mschae/boltex/issues/14)
    • 🔄 changed the pool strategy to :fifo, and its timeout to :infinity, and let the (:gen_server) call timeout expire according to the user's :timeout configuration parameter
    • ➕ added a test unit provided by @adri (thank you), for executing a Cypher query, with large set of parameters