Drab v0.5.0 Release Notes

  • ⚡️ This version is a major update. The default module, Drab.Query has been replaced with Drab.Live and Drab.Element. Drab is not jQuery dependent by default anymore.


    👍 Allows to remotely (from the server side) replace the value of the assign in the displayed paged, without re-rendering and reloading the page.

    Such template:

    <a href="https://<%= @url%>" @style.backgroundColor=<%= @color%>>
      <%= @url %>

    ⚡️ can be updates live with poke/2:

    poke socket, url: "tg.pl/drab", color: "red"


    ⚡️ Query and update displayed page from the server side.

    set_prop socket, "p", style: %{"backgroundColor" => "red"} # awesome effect


    Broadcasting functions now get subject instead of socket. There is no need to have an active socket to broadcast anymore. Useful when broadcasting from background servers or ondisconnect callback.

    Form parameters in sender

    If the event launching element is inside a <FORM>, it gets a values of all input elements within that form. This is a map, where keys are the element's name or id.

    ⬆️ Upgrading from 0.4

    ➕ Add Drab.Query and Drab.Modal to your commanders:

    use Drab.Commander, module: [Drab.Query, Drab.Modal]


    All soft depreciations up to 0.4.1 became hard.