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Avg Release Cycle
88 days
Latest Release
2598 days ago
Changelog History
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Changelog History
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August 05, 2017 -
v2.1.2 Changes
September 16, 2016 -
v2.1.1 Changes
September 16, 2016Closed issues:
- consider validating requests are from twilio #15
๐ Merged pull requests:
- โ task verb and tests #16 (matteosister)
v2.1.0 Changes
January 23, 2016This version comes with two new features:
Verb Option Variables
Verb options can now be a variable. Previously, you to pass in options as a list to each verb, like this:
say "Welcome...", voice: "alice"say "Press 1 to...", voice: "alice"
Now, you can define a shared variable or private method, and share that between verbs:
options = [voice: "alice"] say "Welcome...", options say "Press 1 to...", options
0๏ธโฃ Default Verb Options
โก๏ธ Verbs can now have default options. For example, if you wanted the "Alice" voice to be the default, you can update your mix configuration in
like so:config :ex\_twiml, :defaults, say: [voice: "alice"]
Check out the README for more details on that.
v2.0.1 Changes
December 14, 2015Closed issues:
๐ Merged pull requests:
- Find reserved name in functions with multiple args #12 (danielberkompas)
- Warn about reserved names #11 (danielberkompas)
v2.0.0 Changes
September 12, 2015Closed issues:
- Using with Phoenix Framework #7
๐ Merged pull requests:
- Clean up utilities module #9 (danielberkompas)
- Replace TwiML macros with
#8 (danielberkompas)
v1.1.3 Changes
April 23, 2015๐ Merged pull requests:
- ๐ Feature: allow nested verbs without options #5 (danielberkompas)
v1.1.2 Changes
April 23, 2015๐ Fixed bugs:
- ๐ Bugfix: Allow using a variable as only argument to verb #4 (danielberkompas)
v1.1.1 Changes
April 17, 2015 -
v1.1.0 Changes
April 12, 2015Implemented enhancements:
- ๐ Script to generate releases #2 (danielberkompas)
- โ Add "option" feature #1 (danielberkompas)