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exdm - Elixir Deployment Manager
exdm automates deployment of Elixir releases.
It provides a set of mix tasks to deploy applications, check their status and start and stop them.
Releases are pushed to remote servers and applications can be upgraded.
exdm allows the definition of multiple stages for your application, e.g.
, staging
and ci
Build the release (i.e. with distillery):
MIX_ENV=prod mix release
mix deployment.deploy production
Add exdm to your deps in mix.exs
defp deps do
[{:exdm, "~> 0.0.3"}]
Add a section to your application config:
config :exdm, :production,
host: "example.com",
user: "deploy",
application_path: "/srv/my_app"
Other tasks
mix deployment.local # prints the latest release version built locally
mix deployment.remote {stage} # prints the version running on the remote host
mix deployment.can_deploy {stage} # are we ready to deploy?
mix deployment.start {stage} # start the application
mix deployment.stop {stage} # stop the application
mix deployment.is_running {stage} # prints yes/no/error
exdm Development
exdm's tests use the 'espec' library.
Run tests:
mix espec
This project is MIT licensed. Please see the LICENSE.md
file for more details.
The file lib/release_manager/utils.ex is copied from the project exrm and is copyright (c) 2014 Paul Schoenfelder
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the exdm README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.