exkorpion alternatives and similar packages
Based on the "Testing" category.
Alternatively, view exkorpion alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
Bypass provides a quick way to create a custom plug that can be put in place instead of an actual HTTP server to return prebaked responses to client requests. -
Interactive watch mode for Elixir's mix test. https://hexdocs.pm/mix_test_interactive/ -
A simple Elixir package to elegantly mock module functions within (asynchronous) ExUnit tests using Erlang's :meck library
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews
Do you think we are missing an alternative of exkorpion or a related project?
An Elixir framework to do testing in a BDD way
Library is available in Hex, the package can be installed as:
to your list of dependencies inmix.exs
:def deps do [{:exkorpion, "~> 0.0.3"}] end
In case of you don't have a elixir environment ready to code, please have a look at the below links:
Exkorpion goals
It wraps ExUnit and enhances their features providing developers with a BDD syntax.
It helps us to write tests wasy-to-read.
It is completely compatible with ExUnit.
It force us to structure our tests in steps (given-when-then)
It is based on a functional syntax, organization our tests steps by anonymous functions.
It is not coupled to any other framework.
Getting started
Exkorpion syntax
As was mentioned on the above Exkorpion is mainly oriented to a bdd syntax:
scenario: A scenario groups multiple cases that test a functionality works as expected. By using scenario we achieve the below:
- Better documentation for other developers.
- Test are better organized and structured
- Working under an agile methodology we can match scenarios to acceptance criteria
it: Exkorpion provide with a reserved word It to represent any of the cases inside a scenario.
scenario "testing sum operation works as expected" do
it "sum positive numbers works as expected" do
it "sum negative numbers and it should work as expected" do
with/given/when/then: These word are the ones that provide us with s BDD syntax. Actually even when we write some unit tests we should thinkg about them.
- Given: It defines the input data for performing the tests. (It's an optional step, it could be not neccessary sometimes)
- When: It performs the action to be tested.
- Then: It ensures the result in the preoviuos step are the expected.
it "Ensures that get tracks service returns always 2 elements" do
when: fn _ ->
%{result: build_conn() |> get("/tracks", "v1") |> json_response |> Poison.decode! }
then: fn ctx ->
assert 2 === length(ctx.result)
we could make us of with* step if we pretend to run the some tests for multiple input
it "Ensures that add new track service works as expected" do
with: fn ctx ->
%{new_track: %{"title" => "Runaway", "singer" => "John Bon Jovi"}},
%{new_track: %{"title" => "Let her go", "singer" => "The passenger"}},
given: &(%{new_track_json: &1.new_track |> Poison.encode!, previous_tracks: build_conn() |> get("/tracks", "v1") |> json_response |> Poison.decode! }),
when: fn ctx ->
%{result: build_conn() |> put_body_or_params(ctx.new_track) |> post("/tracks", "v1") |> json_response |> Poison.decode! }
then: fn ctx ->
assert length(ctx.previous_tracks)+1 === length(ctx.result)
assert true === Enum.member?(ctx.result, ctx.new_track)
before_each: Before each will be inside of a scenario and provices with a reusable set of data for our tests.
scenario "testing sum operation works as expected" do
before_each do
%{a: 10}
it "sum positive numbers works as expected" do
given: &(%{a: &1.a, b: 3}),
when: &(%{c: &1.a + &1.b}),
then: fn ctx ->
assert ctx.c === 13
it "sum negative numbers and it should work as expected" do
given: &(%{a: &1.a, b: -2}),
when: &(%{c: sum(&1.a ,&1.b)}),
then: fn ctx ->
assert ctx.c === 8
First steps
Once we have added exkorpion dependency to our test we can run the below command. This will creae a scenario directory on our poejct with a file named scenario_helper.exs.
mix exkorpion.init
By default Exkorpion will search files ended by ".._scenario.exs" inside directory scenarios. This could be easyly customized (We explain in following articles.)
We can write one or more scenarios per file
To run the exkorpion scenarios we just need to run
MIX_ENV=test mix exkorpion
Exkorpion provides with a friendly resume about our tests execution.
Success execution
Something went wrong!
It's highly recommendable you to have a look at some samples already developed:
- Iván Corrales Solera : You could reach me by , email, twitter or [Linkedin](www.linkedin.com/in/ivan-corrales-solera)