funnel alternatives and similar packages
Based on the "Miscellaneous" category.
Alternatively, view funnel alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
ExRated, the Elixir OTP GenServer with the naughty name that allows you to rate-limit calls to any service that requires it. -
All sorts of useful information about every country. A pure elixir port of the ruby Countries gem -
Generic Task behavior that helps encapsulate errors and recover from them in classic GenStage workers.
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of funnel or a related project?
Popular Comparisons
Funnel is for building Streaming APIs build upon ElasticSearch’s percolation.
Funnel supports ElasticSearch >= 1.1.
Funnel allow to register users / devices, associates some queries to user.
The common usecase is to store a query from a user and notify this user when a new document matching this query is available.
Check out this example for a complete http api using Funnel dsl.
Installing things
You can use Funnel in your projects with the following steps:
- Adding Funnel to your
def deps do
{:funnel, "~> 0.1"}
- List the
as your application dependencies:
def application do
[applications: [:funnel]]
- Add this sample configuration to
use Mix.Config
config :funnel,
es_host: "http://localhost:9200",
percolator_pool_size: 100,
percolator_pool_max_overflow: 1000
Testing things
mix test
Doing things
Funnel has this notion of Funnel.Transport
. Anything implementing the
protocol can be a transport.
For the Plug, the protocol would looks like:
defmodule EventStreamMessage do
@moduledoc ""
This module serialize a given id and body to a ServerSent Events message.
def to_message(id, data) do
"id:#{id}\ndata: #{data}\n\n"
defimpl Funnel.Transport, for: Elixir.Plug.Conn do
import Plug.Conn
def write(conn, %{:id => id, :item => item}) do
chunk conn, EventStreamMessage.to_message(id, item)
A user, or a device, can register to funnel by using the /register
This will return a token. This token must be used in all communications with the
funnel's API.
The first argument is a transport
, the second one is optionnal, and allow to
write onto the transport the message seen since the last_id given
{:ok, token} = Funnel.register(transport)
{:ok, "1a9dc09879374878bd7aab27c7be6bc7"}
{:ok, token} = Funnel.register(self, "422f779c759244d4aad45ac94c83b7da")
{:ok, "80cfd5a3e1324db8b076defec2ddc1b2"}
Creating Indexes
This example will create an empty index:
{:ok, status_code, body} = Funnel.Index.create
{:ok, 200, %{"body" => %{"acknowledged" => true}, "index_id" => "e4680d88db914ed4854acb8a1a8f317d"}}
This example will create an index with specific settings:
settings = '{"settings" : {"number_of_shards" : 1},"mappings" : {"type1" :{"_source" : { "enabled" : false },"properties" : {"field1" : { "type" :"string", "index" : "not_analyzed" }}}}}' |> IO.iodata_to_binary
{:ok, _status_code, body} = Funnel.Index.create(settings)
{:ok, 200, %{"body" => %{"acknowledged" => true},"index_id" => "3994bf6c03df412e8b1b05d4aca7a83c"}}
Deleting an index
{:ok, status_code, body} = Funnel.Index.destroy("3994bf6c03df412e8b1b05d4aca7a83c")
{:ok, 200, %{"acknowledged" => true}}
Creating a query
query = '{"query" : {"match" : {"message" : "funnel"}}}' |> IO.iodata_to_binary
{:ok, status_code, body} = Funnel.Query.create(index_id, token, query)
{:ok, 201, %{"body" => %{"_id" => "287eae87d5774f2a9d02f5a5dd66856d-0398f4e1a6a34ea4b7ede0c1b7f40f38", "_index" => "3994bf6c03df412e8b1b05d4aca7a83c_dev", "_type" => ".percolator", "_version" => 1, "created" => true}, "index_id" => "3994bf6c03df412e8b1b05d4aca7a83c", "query_id" => "0398f4e1a6a34ea4b7ede0c1b7f40f38"}}
Updating a query
{:ok, status_code, body} = Funnel.Query.update(index_id, token, query_id, query)
{:ok, 200, %{"body" => %{"_id" => "287eae87d5774f2a9d02f5a5dd66856d-0398f4e1a6a34ea4b7ede0c1b7f40f38", "_index" => "3994bf6c03df412e8b1b05d4aca7a83c_dev", "_type" => ".percolator", "_version" => 2, "created" => false}, "index_id" => "3994bf6c03df412e8b1b05d4aca7a83c", "query_id" => "0398f4e1a6a34ea4b7ede0c1b7f40f38"}}
Deleting a query
{:ok, status_code, body} = Funnel.Query.destroy(index_id, token, query_id)
{:ok, 200, %{"_id" => "287eae87d5774f2a9d02f5a5dd66856d-0398f4e1a6a34ea4b7ede0c1b7f40f38", "_index" => "3994bf6c03df412e8b1b05d4aca7a83c_dev", "_type" => ".percolator", "_version" => 3, "found" => true}}
Finding queries
{:ok, status_code, body} = Funnel.Query.find(token)
{:ok, 200, [%{"query_id" => "4f122313862e494b8810f073c27cf43d", "index_id" => "b79d2e9ff8c949e08ba98c4d8c216547", "score" => 1.0}]}
{:ok, status_code, body} = Funnel.Query.find(token, %{index_id: index_id})
{:ok, 200, [%{"query_id" => "4f122313862e494b8810f073c27cf43d", "index_id" => "b79d2e9ff8c949e08ba98c4d8c216547", "score" => 1.0}]}
Submitting a document to the percolator
message = '{"message" : "this new elasticsearch percolator feature is nice, borat style"}' |> IO.iodata_to_binary
Funnel.percolate(index_id, message)