geolix v0.14.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2017-06-20 // almost 7 years ago

    ✨ Enhancements

    • Configuration errors are logged and/or returned
    • Databases can be unloaded. This is done lazy so while still being
      in memory it won't be reloaded or used for lookups
    • Databases in tarball format (.tar or .tar.gz) are now supported
    • Errors are now always returned in a tuple format ({ :error, type })
    • Errors occurring while initially loading databases
      (or when calling Geolix.reload_databases/0) are now sent to
      Logger.error (#16)
    • "GeoLite2-ASN" databases return structs instead of plain maps
    • System environment configuration can set an optional default value
      to be used if the environment variable is unset
    • When an error occurs during database load the database will be
      excluded from the lookup process

    Backwards incompatible changes

    • Previous { :error, String.t } return values have been removed in favor
      of tuples and Logger.error/1