Goal is a parameter validation library based on Ecto.
It can be used with JSON APIs, HTML controllers and LiveViews.
Goal builds a changeset from a validation schema and controller or LiveView parameters, and
returns the validated parameters or Ecto.Changeset, depending on the function you use.
If your frontend and backend use different parameter cases, you can recase parameter keys with
the :recase_keys option. PascalCase, camelCase, kebab-case and snake_case are
You can configure your own regexes for password, email, and URL format validations. This is
helpful in case of backward compatibility, where Goal's defaults might not match your production
system's behavior.
Goal ⚽ alternatives and similar packages
Based on the "Validations" category.
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Elixir Drops 💦
🛠️ Tools for working with data effectively - data contracts using types, schemas, domain validation rules, type-safe casting, and more. -
Elixir library that provides macros which allow you to encapsulate business logic and validate incoming parameters with predefined contract. -
Fast, extensible and easy to use data structure validation for elixir with nested structures support.
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
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