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License: Apache License 2.0
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Firefly - A new compiler and runtime for BEAM languages

Machine Vendor Operating System Host Subgroup Status
wasm32 unknown unknown macOS N/A wasm32-unknown-unknown (macOS)
wasm32 unknown unknown Linux N/A wasm32-unknown-unknown (Linux)
x86_64 apple darwin macOS compiler x86_64-apple-darwin compiler
x86_64 apple darwin macOS libraries x86_64-apple-darwin Libraries
x86_64 apple darwin macOS firefly/otp x86_64-apple-darwin firefly/otp
x86_64 apple darwin macOS runtime full x86_64-apple-darwin Runtime Full
x86_64 unknown linux-gnu Linux compiler x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu compiler
x86_64 unknown linux-gnu Linux libraries x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Libraries
x86_64 unknown linux-gnu Linux firefly/otp x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu firefly/otp
x86_64 unknown linux-gnu Linux runtime full x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Runtime Full

Getting Started


NOTE: This section is a placeholder for the moment until we get our toolchain packaging implemented

To use Firefly, you'll need to download our toolchain here, and install it like so:

> tar -xzf firefly.tar.gz /usr/local/

This will install the firefly executable to /usr/local/bin/firefly and various supporting files to appropriate locations under /usr/local. If you install to a different target directory, make sure you add the bin folder to your PATH, for example:

> tar -xzf firefly.tar.gz $HOME/.local/share/firefly
> export PATH=$HOME/.local/share/firefly/bin:$PATH


NOTE: This section reflects the way Firefly is supposed to work, but the current implementation may lack functionality described here. However, if you encounter something broken, feel free to open an issue if there isn't one already, and we'll ensure it gets tracked as we continue to improve the project.

You should now be able to run firefly, start by reviewing the output of the help command:

> firefly help

This will print out the various ways you can use the Firefly compiler. Obviously, the most interesting is the ability to compile some code, so let's see how that works.

Firefly can compile executables or static/dynamic libraries. By default an executable is produced which acts very similar to an OTP release, but this behavior can be customized depending on how you want the executable to be used. For example, when compiling an executable that you wish to use as a CLI tool, you might want a specific module/function to always be called with the arguments passed to the program when the system has booted. There are options to the compile command that allow you to do this, and much more. It is even possible to provide your own init, and handle everything manually, including management of the core supervision tree.

NOTE: Firefly does not do any dependency management itself, and we have not yet provided Rebar/Mix shims to integrate Firefly as a compiler with those tools, so compiling an application and all of its dependencies is still somewhat of a manual process. This will be addressed in the near future.

Firefly allows you to compile Erlang sources a couple of ways, let's take a look at each:

Compiling Files/Directories

NOTE: Since Firefly is not compiling for a virtual machine, it does not produce BEAM bytecode like erlc does. Instead, it produces either an executable or a static/dynamic library depending on the type of application being compiled, unless otherwise overridden by compiler options. By default, for OTP applications (i.e. apps which define the mod key in their application manifest), Firefly will produce an executable that runs that application much like an OTP release would. For library applications (i.e. apps that do not define the mod key in their manifest), Firefly will produce a static library which can be linked into an executable at another time. You may specify --bin to force production of an executable, or --lib to force production of a library. If you want to compile a shared library, pass --lib --dynamic.

You can compile one or more Erlang source files by specifying their paths like so:

> firefly compile src/foo.erl src/bar.erl

NOTE: Since there is no application manifest available, these sources will be treated as modules of an anonymous library application with the same name as the current working directory. As such, the output of the above command will be a static library.

Alternatively, you can compile all the files found in one or more directories, by specifying their path:

> firefly compile app1/ app2/

In this case, each directory will be treated as an application; if no .app or .app.src manifest is found in a directory, then a new anonymous library application with the same name as the directory will be used as the container for the sources in that directory. Since no root application manifest was provided, an anonymous library application with the same name as the current working directory will be used as the "root" of the dependency tree. In other words, if the name of our current directory is myapp, then in the example above, app1 and app2 will be treated as dependencies of the myapp application, and will result in a static library being produced containing all three applications.

When specifying files individually on the command line, you can control the default app properties using compiler flags, and use that to manage what type of output gets produced. For example:

> firefly compile --app-name myapp --app-module foo src/foo.erl src/bar.erl

This is equivalent to:

> firefly compile --app src/myapp.app src/foo.erl src/bar.erl

Where src/myapp.app looks like:

{application, myapp, [{mod, {foo, []}}]}.

In both cases, the result is an executable containing the myapp application, which consists of two modules: foo and bar.

Let's assume that src/foo.erl contains the following:


start(_, _) ->

stop(_) -> ok.

Then we should see the following when we run our compiled executable:

> _build/firefly/arm64-apple-macosx11.0.0/myapp

NOTE: The directory under _build/firefly contains the target triple the executable was compiled for, and since this example was compiled on an M1, the triple reflects that.

Compiling Projects

Firefly also recognizes the conventional Erlang project structure. For example, let's say you have an application called hello:


Where hello.app contains:

{application, hello, [{vsn, "1.0"}, {mod, {hello, []}}]}.

and hello.erl contains:


start(_, _) ->
  erlang:display(<<"hello world!">>),

From the root of the hello/ directory, you can compile this to an executable like so:

> firefly compile

If we run it, it should print our greeting:

> _build/firefly/arm64-apple-macosx11.0.0/hello
<<"hello world!">>

NOTE: The directory under _build/firefly contains the target triple the executable was compiled for, and since this example was compiled on an M1, the triple reflects that.

If you instead wish to compile hello as a library, you can compile with:

> firefly compile --lib

This will produce the static archive _build/firefly/<target>/hello.a.

If you want to compile an application and link in a previously-compiled library, you can do that like so:

# Assume we previously compiled an app called `foo` as a static archive and moved it to `_build/firefly/<target>/foo.a`
> firefly compile -L _build/firefly/<target>/ -lfoo

This tells the compiler to use _build/firefly/<target>/ as a search path for the linker, and to link the library named foo.

Replacing Erlc

Now that you've learned how to use Firefly to compile Erlang sources, what's the best approach for compiling a real world Erlang project?

Let's assume you are in a directory containing a standard Erlang project called myapp, and all of your dependencies are located in the _build/default/lib (the default for rebar3), then the following will compile your application and all its declared dependencies (based on the app manifest) into an executable:

> firefly compile --bin

This works because Firefly has an application manifest to work from, and can infer the location of the sources for the dependencies.

However, if your project is less conventional, then you might want to follow a different approach instead, by compiling each application to a library, and then compiling the root application as an executable while linking in all of the dependencies:

> firefly compile --lib -o foo.a deps/foo
> firefly compile --lib -o bar.a deps/bar
> firefly compile --bin -L. -lfoo -lbar src/

The above assumes that deps/foo and deps/bar are directories containing application manifests, and compiles both to static libraries in the current working directory. The last line will create an executable containing the foo and bar applications, as well as the application contained in src.

This method is more manual, but provides a lot of flexibility for those who need it.


NOTE: This is primarily for experimentation and development work, but might be of interest to those interested in implementing inits, or even alternative Erlang standard libraries.

To compile an executable which simply invokes init:boot/1 and leaves the definition of that function up to you, you can use the following:

> firefly compile -C no_default_init --bin init.erl

The resulting executable performs none of the default initialization work that the standard runtime normally does, i.e. there is no init, so no application master/controller, and as a result, none of the normal OTP startup sequence occurs. This does however provide you an opportunity to handle this yourself, however you like; albeit with the major caveat that using any standard library modules without doing the proper initialization or providing the things needed by those modules will almost certainly fail. Erlang without the default init is a very interesting environment to play in!

As an example, consider if init.erl above is defined as the following:


boot(Args) ->

Running the resulting executable will print the default arguments the runtime provides to the init and then exit.


In order to build Firefly, or make changes to it, you'll need the following installed:


First, you will need to install rustup. Follow the instructions at that link.

Once you have installed rustup, you will need to install the nightly version of Rust (currently our CI builds against the 2022-08-08 nightly, specifically). We require nightly due to a large number of nightly features we use, as well as some dependencies for the WebAssembly targets that we make use of.

# to use the latest nightly
rustup default nightly

# or, in case of issues, install the specific nightly to match our CI
rustup default nightly-2022-08-08
export CARGO_MAKE_TOOLCHAIN=nightly-2022-08-08

In order to run various build tasks in the project, you'll need the cargo-make plugin for Cargo. You can install it with:

cargo install cargo-make

You can see what tasks are available with cargo make --print-steps.

You may also want to install the following tools for editor support (rustfmt will be required on all pull requests!):

rustup component add rustfmt clippy

Next, for wasm32 support, you will need to install the wasm32 targets for the Rust toolchain:

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain <name of nightly you chose in the previous step>

LLVM (with some patches of our own) is used internally for the final code generation stage. In order to build the compiler, you must have our LLVM installed somewhere locally. Typically, you'd need to build this yourself, which we have instructions for below; but we also produce prebuilt packages that have everything needed.

Installing Prebuilt Distributions (Recommended)
Linux (x86_64)

The instructions below reference $XDG_DATA_HOME as an environment variable, it is recommended to export XDG variables in general, but if you have not, just replace the usages of $XDG_DATA_HOME below with $HOME/.local/share, which is the usual default for this XDG variable.

mkdir -p $XDG_DATA_HOME/llvm/firefly
cd $XDG_DATA_HOME/llvm/firefly
wget https://github.com/getfirefly/llvm-project/releases/download/firefly-15.0.0-dev_2022-08-27/clang+llvm-15.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
tar -xz --strip-components 1 -f clang+llvm-15.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
rm clang+llvm-15.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
cd -
macOS (arm64)
mkdir -p $XDG_DATA_HOME/llvm
cd $XDG_DATA_HOME/llvm/
wget https://github.com/GetFirefly/llvm-project/releases/download/firefly-15.0.0-dev_2022-08-27/clang+llvm-15.0.0-arm64-apple-darwin21.6.0.tar.gz
tar -xzf clang+llvm-15.0.0-arm64-apple-darwin21.6.0.tar.gz
rm clang+llvm-15.0.0-arm64-apple-darwin21.6.0.tar.gz
mv clang+llvm-15.0.0-arm64-apple-darwin21.6.0 firefly
cd -

We don't yet provide prebuilt packages for other operating systems, you'll need to build from source following the directions below.

Building From Source

LLVM requires CMake, a C/C++ compiler, and Python. It is highly recommended that you also install Ninja and CCache to make the build significantly faster, especially on subsequent rebuilds. You can find all of these dependencies in your system package manager, including Homebrew on macOS.

We have the build more or less fully automated, just three simple steps:

git clone https://github.com/GetFirefly/llvm-project
cd llvm-project
git checkout firefly
make llvm-shared

This will install LLVM to $XDG_DATA_HOME/llvm/firefly, or $HOME/.local/share/llvm/firefly, if $XDG_DATA_HOME is not set. It assumes that Ninja and CCache are installed, but you can customize the llvm target in the Makefile to use make instead by removing -G Ninja from the invocation of cmake, likewise you can change the setting to use CCache by removing that option as well.

NOTE: Building LLVM the first time will take a long time, so grab a coffee, smoke 'em if you got 'em, etc.

Building Firefly

Once LLVM is installed/built, you can build the firefly executable!

NOTE: Firefly has components that need to be compiled with clang; On Linux, the default compiler is generally gcc. Since our LLVM toolchain includes clang, simply export the following in your shell when compiling Firefly:

export CC=$XDG_DATA_HOME/llvm/firefly/bin/clang
export CXX=$XDG_DATA_HOME/llvm/firefly/bin/clang++

To build Firefly, run the following:

LLVM_PREFIX=$XDG_DATA_HOME/llvm/firefly FIREFLY_BUILD_TYPE=static cargo make firefly

NOTE: If you have .direnv installed, run direnv allow in the project root, and you can omit all of the above environment variables, and instead modify the .envrc file if needed.

This will create the compiler executable and associated toolchain for the host machine under bin in the root of the project. You can invoke firefly via the symlink bin/firefly, e.g.:

bin/firefly --help

You can compile an Erlang file to an executable (currently only on x86_64/AArch64):

bin/firefly compile [<path/to/file_or_directory>..]

This will produce an executable with the same name as the source file in the current working directory with no extension (except on Windows, where it will have the .exe extension).

NOTE: Firefly is still in a very experimental stage of development, so stability is not guaranteed.

Project Structure

Firefly is currently divided into three major components:

  • Compiler
  • Libraries
  • Runtimes

There are some crates in the root of the project that are in the process of being cleaned up/removed, so for the most part, the crates in compiler/, library/ and runtimes/ are those of interest.


The Firefly compiler is composed of many small components, but the few most interesting are:

  • firefly_compiler, handles orchestrating the compiler itself, if you are looking for the driver of the compiler, this is it.
  • firefly_syntax_base, contains common types and metadata used across multiple stages of the compiler
  • firefly_syntax_erl, contains the abstract syntax tree, grammar, parser, and passes for performing semantic analysis, transformations on the AST, and lowering to Core. This is the primary frontend of the compiler, as it handles with user-provided Erlang code.
  • firefly_syntax_core, defines an intermediate representation that is based on an extended lambda calculus form, this is where a number of initial normalizations/transformations occur and corresponds to Core Erlang in the BEAM compiler.
  • firefly_syntax_kernel, defines an intermediate representation that is tailored towards pattern match compilation and code generation, it is flat relative to Core, funs/closures have been lifted, all variables have been made unique within their containing function, pattern matching has been compiled, and all calls have been transformed into static form and candiates for tail call optimization have been identified.
  • firefly_syntax_ssa, defines an SSA intermediate representation that is used for code generation; once transformed into SSA, performing codegen is very straightforward.
  • firefly_codegen, handles code generation from our SSA IR using MLIR/LLVM, and also contains the code responsible for linking objects/libraries/executables.

The other crates are all important as well, but are much smaller and tailored to a specific task, and so should be straightforward to grasp their function.


There are a number of core libraries that are used by the runtime, but are also in some cases shared with the compiler (namely firefly_binary and firefly_number). These are designed to either be optional components, or part of a tiered system of crates that build up functionality for the various runtime crates.

  • firefly_system, provides abstractions over platform-specific implementation details that most of the runtime code doesn't need to know about. This primarily handles unifying low-level platform APIs.
  • firefly_alloc, provides abstractions for memory allocation and types which are allocator-aware, this is where our GC primitives are defined, as well as useful constructs like heap fragments.
  • firefly_rt, this is the primary core runtime library, hence the name, and provides the implementations of all the term types and their native APIs, as well as establishing things like the calling convention for Erlang functions, exceptions and backtraces, and other universal runtime concerns that cannot be delegated to a higher-level runtime crate.
  • firefly_arena, this is a helper crate that provides an implementation of a typed arena used in both the runtime and the compiler.
  • firefly_binary, this crate provides all the pieces for implementing binaries/bitstrings, including pattern matching primitives and constructors.
  • firefly_number, this crate provides the internal implementation of numeric types for both the compiler and runtime
  • firefly_beam, this crate provides native APIs for working with BEAM files, largely unused at the moment

The runtime is intended to be pluggable, but some parts are intended to always be included alongside those libraries:

  • firefly_crt, contains the primary entry point of Firefly-compiled executables, and is responsible for setting up the atom table, and the symbol table for dynamic dispatch.
  • firefly_tiny, contains our experimental runtime for development work

We have more robust runtime libraries that much time was invested into, but those are currently being reworked now that the compiler is done:

  • firefly_core, contains functionality useful across high-level runtimes, e.g. timer wheels
  • firefly_minimal, a richer version of firefly_tiny used with a previous iteration of the compiler

The above collection of libraries correspond to ERTS in the BEAM virtual machine.

Making Changes

At this stage of the project, it is important that any changes you wish to contribute are communicated with us first, as there is a good chance we are working on those areas of the code, or have plans around them that will impact your implementation. Please open an issue tagged appropriately based on the part of the project you are contributing to, with an explanation of the issue/change and how you'd like to approach implementation. If there are no conflicts/everything looks good, we'll make sure to avoid stepping on your toes and provide any help you need.

For smaller changes/bug fixes, feel free to open an issue first if you are new to the project and want some guidance on working through the fix. Otherwise, it is acceptable to just open a PR directly with your fix, and let the review happen there.

Always feel free to open issues for bugs, and even perceived issues or questions, as they can be a useful resource for others; but please do make sure to use the search function to avoid duplication!

If you plan to participate in discussions, or contribute to the project, be aware that this project will not tolerate abuse of any kind against other members of the community; if you feel that someone is being abusive or inappropriate, please contact one of the core team members directly (or all of us). We want to foster an environment where people both new and experienced feel welcomed, can have their questions answered, and hopefully work together to make this project better!

About Firefly

Firefly is not only a compiler, but a runtime as well. It consists of two parts:

  • A compiler for Erlang to native code for a given target (x86, ARM, WebAssembly)
  • An Erlang runtime, implemented in Rust, which provides the core functionality needed to implement OTP

The primary motivator for Firefly's development was the ability to compile Elixir applications that could target WebAssembly, enabling use of Elixir as a language for frontend development. It is also possible to use Firefly to target other platforms as well, by producing self-contained executables on platforms such as x86.

Firefly is different than BEAM in the following ways:

  • It is an ahead-of-time compiler, rather than a virtual machine that operates on bytecode
  • It has some additional restrictions to allow more powerful optimizations to take place, in particular hot code reloading is not supported
  • The runtime library provided by Firefly is written in Rust, and while very similar, differs in mostly transparent ways. One of the goals is to provide a better foundation for learning how the BEAM runtime is implemented, and to take advantage of Rust's more powerful static analysis to catch bugs early.
  • It is designed to support targeting WebAssembly, as well as many other types of targets.

The result of compiling a BEAM application via Firefly is a static executable. This differs significantly from how deployment on the BEAM works today (i.e. via OTP releases). While we sacrifice the ability to perform hot upgrades/downgrades, we make huge gains in cross-platform compatibility, and ease of use. Simply drop the executable on a compatible platform, and run it, no tools required, or special considerations during builds. This works the same way that building Rust or Go applications works today.


  • Support WebAssembly/embedded systems as a first-class platforms
  • Produce easy-to-deploy static executables as build artifacts
  • Integrate with tooling provided by BEAM languages
  • More efficient execution by removing the need for an interpreter at runtime
  • Feature parity with mainline OTP (with exception of the non-goals listed below)


  • Support for hot upgrades/downgrades
  • Support for dynamic code loading

Firefly is an alternative implementation of Erlang/OTP, so as a result it is not as battle tested, or necessarily as performant as the BEAM itself. Until we have a chance to run some benchmarks, it is hard to know what the difference between the two in terms of performance actually is.

Firefly is not intended to replace BEAM at this point in time. At a minimum, the stated non-goals of this project mean that for at least some percentage of projects, some required functionality would be missing. However, it is meant to be a drop-in replacement for applications which are better served by its feature set.



The compiler frontend accepts Erlang source files. This is parsed into an abstract syntax tree, then lowered through four middle tiers where different types of analysis, transformation, or optimization are performed:

  • Core IR (similar to Core Erlang)
  • Kernel IR (similar to Kernel Erlang)
  • SSA IR (a transformation of Kernel IR in preparation for codegen)
  • MLIR (the final stage where optimizations and certain transformations occur)

The final stage of the compiler lowers MLIR to LLVM IR and then LLVM handles generating object files from that. Our linker then takes those object files and produces a shared library or executable (the default).

In MLIR, and particularly during the lowering to LLVM IR, all high-level abstractions around certain operations are stripped away and platform-specific details take shape. For example, on x86_64/AArch64, hand-written assembly is used to perform extremely cheap stack switching by the scheduler, and to provide dynamic function application facilities for the implementation of apply.


The runtime design is mostly the same as OTP, but we are not running an interpreter, instead the code is ahead-of-time compiled:

  • The entry point sets up the environment, and starts the scheduler
  • The scheduler is composed of one scheduler per thread
  • Each scheduler can steal work from other schedulers if it is short on work
  • Processes are spawned on the same scheduler as the process they are spawned from, but a scheduler is able to steal them away to load balance
  • I/O is asynchronous, with dedicated threads and an event loop for dispatch

The initial version will be quite spartan, but this is so we can focus on getting the runtime behavior rock solid before we circle back to add in more capabilities.


Currently it is straightforward to define NIFs in Rust without the overhead of erl_nif, but we don't yet have an abstraction that allows us to take existing NIFs designed around erl_nif and make them work. This is something in the pipeline, but is not yet a high priority for us.


Firefly previously had the name "Lumen". This was intended to be a temporary name and it was changed in 2022, partly due to there being numerous other projects also named Lumen.


Apache 2.0

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the lumen README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.