Ex_Money v3.2.2 Release Notes

  • 🚀 This is the changelog for Money v3.2.2 released on February 10th, 2019. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub

    ✨ Enhancements

    • 👌 Improves parsing of money strings. Parsing now uses various strings that CLDR knows about. Some examples:
      iex> Money.parse "$au 12 346", locale: "fr"
      #Money<:AUD, 12346>
      iex> Money.parse "12 346 dollar australien", locale: "fr"
      #Money<:AUD, 12346>
      iex> Money.parse "A$ 12346", locale: "en"
      #Money<:AUD, 12346>
      iex> Money.parse "australian dollar 12346.45", locale: "en"
      #Money<:AUD, 12346.45>
      iex> Money.parse "AU$ 12346,45", locale: "de"
      #Money<:AUD, 12346.45>
      # Can also return the strings available for a given currency
      # and locale
      iex> Cldr.Currency.strings_for_currency :AUD, "de"
      ["aud", "au$", "australischer dollar", "australische dollar"]
      # Round trip formatting also seems to be ok
      iex> {:ok, string} = Cldr.Number.to_string 1234, Money.Cldr, currency: :AUD
      {:ok, "A$1,234.00"}
      iex> Money.parse string
      #Money<:AUD, 1234.00>