observer_cli alternatives and similar packages
Based on the "Debugging" category.
Alternatively, view observer_cli alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
A debug web toolbar for Phoenix projects to display all sorts of information about request
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews
* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of observer_cli or a related project?
Visualize Erlang/Elixir Nodes On The Command Line base on recon. Document in detail.
- Provide a high-performance tool usable both in development and production settings.
- Focus on important and detailed information about real-time running system.
- Keep minimal consumption.
%% rebar.config
{deps, [observer_cli]}
dep_observer_cli = hex 1.7.2
# mix.exs
def deps do
[{:observer_cli, "~> 1.7"}]
Try in local shell.
%% rebar3 project
rebar3 shell
1> observer_cli:start().
%% mix project
iex -S mix
iex(1)> :observer_cli.start
Monitor remote node
%% rebar3 project
rebar3 shell --name '[email protected]'
1> observer_cli:start('target@host', 'magic_cookie').
%% mix project
iex --name "[email protected]" -S mix
iex(1)> :observer_cli.start(:'target@host', :'magic_cookie')
:exclamation: ensure observer_cli application been loaded on target node.
Try in Elixir 1.9.x release
%% create elixir release
mix release
%% rpc current node
_build/dev/rel/example/bin/example rpc ":observer_cli.start"
:exclamation: ensure observer_cli application been loaded on current node.
- cd path/to/observer_cli/
rebar3 escriptize
to generate an escript executable containing the project's and its dependencies' BEAM files. Place script(_build/default/bin/observer_cli
) anywhere in your path and useobserver_cli
to monitor remote node.
How to write your own plugin?
If you need to customize some of your internal metrics and integrate it into observer_ci,
you only need to write a observer_cli_plugin
behaviour in a few simple steps to get a nice presentation.
- Configure observer_cli,tell observer_cli how to find your plugin. ```erlang %% module - Specific module implements plugin behavior. It's mandatory. %% title - Menu title. It's mandatory. %% shortcut - Switch plugin by shortcut. It's mandatory. %% interval - Refresh interval ms. It's optional. default is 1500ms. %% sort_column - Sort the sheet by this index. It's optional default is 2.
{plugins, [ #{module => observer_cli_plug_behaviour_x, title => "XPlug", interval => 1600, shortcut => "X", sort_column => 3}, #{module => observer_cli_plug_behaviour_y, title => "YPlug", interval =>2000, shortcut => "Y", sort_column => 3} ] }
The main view is `HOME` by default(`observer_cli:start()`).
If you want to plugin view as main view, DO:`your_cli:start().`
% your_cli.erl
start() -> observer_cli:start_plugin().
- Write observer_cli_plugin behaviour. observer_cli_plugin has 3 callbacks.
2.1 attributes.
-callback attributes(PrevState) -> {[Rows], NewState} when
Rows :: #{content => string()|integer()|{byte, pos_integer()},
width => pos_integer(), color => binary()}.
for example:
attributes(PrevState) ->
Attrs = [
#{content => "XXX Ets Size", width => 15},
#{content => 122, width => 10},
#{content => "Memory Capcity", width => 15},
#{content => {percent, 0.12}, width => 16},
#{content => "XYZ1 Process Mem", width => 19},
#{content => {byte, 1023 * 1203}, width => 19}
#{content => "YYY Ets Size", width => 15},
#{content => 43, width => 10},
#{content => "Disk Capcity", width => 15},
#{content => {percent, 0.23}, width => 16},
#{content => "XYZ2 Process Mem", width => 19},
#{content => {byte, 2034 * 220}, width => 19}
#{content => "ZZZ Ets Size", width => 15},
#{content => 108, width => 10},
#{content => "Volume Capcity", width => 15},
#{content => {percent, 0.101}, width => 16},
#{content => "XYZ3 Process Mem", width => 19},
#{content => {byte, 12823}, width => 19}
NewState = PrevState,
{Attrs, NewState}.
|Home(H)|XPlug(X)|YPlug(Y)| | 0Days 3:34:50 |
|XXX Ets Size | 122 | Memory Capcity | 12.00% | XYZ1 Process Mem | 1.1737 MB |
|YYY Ets Size | 43 | Disk Capcity | 23.00% | XYZ2 Process Mem | 436.9922 KB |
|ZZZ Ets Size | 108 | Volume Capcity | 10.10% | XYZ3 Process Mem | 12.5225 KB |
-callback sheet_header() -> [SheetHeader] when
SheetHeader :: #{title => string(), width => pos_integer(), shortcut => string()}.
for example:
sheet_header() ->
#{title => "Pid", width => 15},
#{title => "Register", width => 20},
#{title => "Memory", width => 20, shortcut => "S"},
#{title => "Reductions", width => 23, shortcut => "R"},
#{title => "Message Queue Len", width => 23, shortcut => "Q"}
|No |Pid |Register |Memory(S) |Reductions(R) |Message Queue Len(Q) |
-callback sheet_body(PrevState) -> {[SheetBody], NewState} when
PrevState :: any(),
SheetBody :: list(),
NewState :: any().
for example:
sheet_body(PrevState) ->
Body = [
Register =
case erlang:process_info(Pid, registered_name) of
[] -> [];
{_, Name} -> Name
{byte, element(2, erlang:process_info(Pid, memory))},
element(2, erlang:process_info(Pid, reductions)),
element(2, erlang:process_info(Pid, message_queue_len))
|| Pid <- erlang:processes()
NewState = PrevState,
{Body, NewState}.
Support {byte, 1024*10}
to 10.0000 KB
; {percent, 0.12}
to 12.00%
|No |Pid |Register |Memory(S) |Reductions(R) |Message Queue Len(Q) |
|1 |<0.242.0> | | 4.5020 MB | 26544288 | 0 |
|2 | <0.206.0> | | 1.2824 MB | 13357885 | 0 |
|3 | <0.10.0> | erl_prim_loader | 1.0634 MB | 10046775 | 0 |
|4 | <0.434.0> | | 419.1719 KB | 10503690 | 0 |
|5 | <0.44.0> | application_contro | 416.6250 KB | 153598 | 0 |
|6 | <0.50.0> | code_server | 416.4219 KB | 301045 | 0 |
|7 | <0.9.0> | rebar_agent | 136.7031 KB | 1337603 | 0 |
|8 | <0.207.0> | | 99.3125 KB | 9629 | 0 |
|9 | <0.58.0> | file_server_2 | 41.3359 KB | 34303 | 0 |
|10 | <0.209.0> | | 27.3438 KB | 31210 | 0 |
|11 | <0.0.0> | init | 25.8516 KB | 8485 | 0 |
|refresh: 1600ms q(quit) Positive Number(set refresh interval time ms) F/B(forward/back) Current pages is 1 |
Support F/B to page up/down.
A more specific plugin can collect linux system information such as kernel vsn, loadavg, disk, memory usage, cpu utilization, IO statistics.
- 1.7.2
- Fix error when inspecting process that monitors via {RegName, Node}.
- 1.7.1
- application view show starting/loading/startPfalse/loaded/started application.
- fixed badarg when staring by rpc and stop by
. - fixed mix.exe version error
- 1.7.0
- application view support reductions/memory/process_count sort
- plugin support
{byte, 1024}
to10.0000 KB
- plugin support
{percent, 0.1234
- plugin support dig deep process view.
- 1.6.2
- fixed crash when ps command not found on windows.
- 1.6.1
- remove precise opt version
- 1.6.0
- hidden schedule usage default
- format by erlformat
- add
ps -o pcpu,pmem,rss,vsz
information - remove recon_alloc:memory/1 from
(too much cpu usage)
- 1.5.4
- Bump Recon to 2.5.1 for otp23 alloc compat.
- 1.5.2
- Use erlang:system_info(otp_release) when can't find
file for the full version.
- Use erlang:system_info(otp_release) when can't find
- 1.5.1
- Hide mnesia tab when it's not started
- Show specific erl version such as '22.0.5'
- 1.5.0
- Bump Recon to 2.5.0
- 1.4.5
- Include a minimal mix.exs build file
- Make sure EXIT message has been clear
- 1.4.4
- Make sure connection errors can be handled
- 1.4.3
- Bump Recon to 2.4.0
- 1.4.2
- Hidden schedule process bar when core > 100.
- Allow to compile escript w/ inet6 based distribution.
- Rewrite plugin callback, rename kv_label/0 to attributes/1.
- 1.4.1
- Fixed ets view memory usage wrong.
- mnesia view memory usage According to bytes.
- 1.4.0
- Support write your own plugin.
- 1.3.4
- View(ets mnesia) support page down/up; support sort by memory or size.
- Fixed pause crash.
- Make refresh interval configurable.
- 1.3.3
- fixed io:format(Format,Args) Format not support iolist OTP R21
- 1.3.2
- Make sure all observer_cli process exit when quit.
- Upgrade recon to 2.3.6
- 1.3.1
- Add atom limit/count in home.
- Escript support short name and long name.
- Fixed store process not exit.
- Upgrade recon to 2.3.5
- 1.3.0
- Rewrite Network/Process view.
- Support PageDown/PageUp for top n list.
- Escript auto load observer_cli when it's not load on target node.
- 1.2.2
- fix schedule number >= 32 display wrong.
- improve memory(byte/kilobyte/megabyte/gigabyte) unit.
- 1.2.1
- fixed autosize not work.
- try best to make color adjust all platform.
- add application GUI.
- Rearrange GUI and optimize render.
- Always automatically adapt to the window size.
- Support escript,
observer_cli <TARGETNODE> <COOKIE>
- Support escript,
- Upgrade rebar3 to 3.3.3 for publish hex repo.
zhongwencool💻 | Dimitrios Zorbas💻 | taotao💻 | Trevor Brown💻 | Zaiming Shi💻 |
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the observer_cli README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.