pigeon v1.1.0 Release Notes

    • Minimum requirements now Elixir v1.4 and OTP 19.2 (Kadabra bumped to v0.3.0)
    • 👷 Startup worker configs. Create a functions that return config structs and specify them your config.exs with
    config :pigeon, workers: [
      {YourApp.Pigeon, :apns_config},
      {YourApp.Pigeon, :fcm_config},
      {YourApp.Pigeon, :adm_config},


    • APNS.Config.config/1 renamed to APNS.Config.new/1
    • APNS.push/2 tagged tuples done away with in favor of a :response key on the notification.
    • Override push server endpoint with :uri option in APNS.Config.new/1
    • :use_2197 renamed to :port
    • :uri config option for overriding push server endpoint
    • 0️⃣ :reconnect now false by default


    • NotificationResponse done away with in favor of a :response key on Notification
    • Override push server endpoint with :uri and :port options in FCM.Config.new/1
    • :uri and :port config options for overriding push server endpoint


    • ADM.Config.config/1 renamed to ADM.Config.new/1
    • ADM.push/2 tagged tuples done away with in favor of a :response key on the notification.
    • ADM.start_connection/1 and ADM.stop_connection/1 added