
Monthly Downloads: 11,903
Programming language: Elixir
License: MIT License
Tags: Miscellaneous    
Latest version: v0.6.3

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A module for working with LDAP from Elixir


The package can be installed as:

  1. Add exldap to your list of dependencies in mix.exs: elixir def deps do [{:exldap, "~> 0.6"}] end
  2. Ensure exldap is started before your application: elixir def application do [applications: [:exldap]] end
  3. Optionally add 'config\config.secret.exs' file with:

        use Mix.Config
        config :exldap, :settings,
          server: <server address>,
          base: "DC=example,DC=com",
          port: 636,
          ssl: true,
          user_dn: <user distinguished name>,
          password: <password>,
          search_timeout: 1000 # optionally set a search timeout in milliseconds, default is infinity

    Usage with configuration set in config.exs

# the default_timeout is infinity

{:ok, connection} = Exldap.connect(TIMEOUT \\ default_timeout) # optionally set the maximum time in milliseconds that each server request may take

{:ok, search_results} = Exldap.search_field(connection, "cn", "test123")

{:ok, first_result} = search_results |> Enum.fetch(0)

result = Exldap.search_attributes(first_result, "displayName")

Usage without configuration

# the default_timeout is infinity

{:ok, connection} = Exldap.connect("SERVERADDRESS", 636, true, "CN=test123,OU=Accounts,DC=example,DC=com", "PASSWORD", TIMEOUT \\ default_timeout)

{:ok, search_results} = Exldap.search_field(connection, "OU=Accounts,DC=example,DC=com", "cn", "useraccount")

{:ok, first_result} = search_results |> Enum.fetch(0)

result = Exldap.search_attributes(first_result, "displayName")

Verify credentials with configuration set in config.exs

# the default_timeout is infinity

{:ok, connection} = Exldap.open(TIMEOUT \\ default_timeout) # optionally set the maximum time in milliseconds that each server request may take

case Exldap.verify_credentials(connection, "CN=test123,OU=Accounts,DC=example,DC=com", "PASSWORD") do
  :ok -> IO.puts "Successfully connected"
  _ -> IO.puts "Failed to connect"

Verify credentials without configuration

# the default_timeout is infinity

{:ok, connection} = Exldap.open("SERVERADDRESS", 636, true, TIMEOUT \\ default_timeout)

case Exldap.verify_credentials(connection, "CN=test123,OU=Accounts,DC=example,DC=com", "PASSWORD") do
  :ok -> IO.puts "Successfully connected"
  _ -> IO.puts "Failed to connect"

Use SSL, validating certificates, from configuration

        use Mix.Config

        config :exldap, :settings,
          server: <server address>,
          base: "DC=example,DC=com",
          port: 636,
          ssl: true,
          sslopts: [cacertfile: 'path/to/ca.pem', verify: verify_peer]
          user_dn: <user distinguished name>,
          password: <password>,
          search_timeout: 1000

Use SSL, validating certificates, from configuration

        sslopts=[cacertfile: 'path/to/ca.pem', verify: verify_peer]
        {:ok, connection} = Exldap.connect("SERVERADDRESS", 636, true, "CN=test123,OU=Accounts,DC=example,DC=com", "PASSWORD", timeout, sslopts)