
Monthly Downloads: 8
Programming language: Elixir
License: Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
Tags: Networking    
Latest version: v0.2.1

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Parses a MAC-to-vendor database file and builds a search tree from that. This search tree is loaded into memory and can be used via the standard API.

MAC database

Uses the compiled version from the wireshark project:



In your mix.exs file:

def deps do
  [{:mac, ">= 0.1.0"}]

Note that the initial compilation might take a few more seconds since it compiles the lookup table.


# standard usage:
# => {:ok, "NEXT, INC."}

MAC.fetch_vendor("other stuff or non-existing")
# => :error

# works with different formats by stripping away unexpected chars:
MAC.fetch_vendor(" 00+++00\\\\0F00----00   00  ")
# => {:ok, "NEXT, INC."}

# the parser does also accept bit-masks, so you can also use
# => <<0, 0, 15::size(4)>>


For a very simple profiling experiment, I used fprof and 10000 lookups of the same MAC with sub-space matching, which took approx. 7600 milliseconds.

If you seem to have problems with the lookup speed, please let me know (create an issue here). I assume that this approach is still faster than calling an external API etc. for this purpose.

lookup-table structure and assumptions

The table is a max 2 level map with the following assumptions:

  • the outer map's keys are the first 3 byte of the MAC address
  • the outer map's values are either:
    • a binary with the company name, or
    • a tuple with {key_bitsize, sub_match_map}
  • a sub-match map key is the entire prefix of any MAC address space with a bitmask biggen than /24 - they are required to be all of the same length per sub-match map (the compiler will notify you if it drops keys b/c of a mismatch)
  • the sub-match map's values are the binary vendor names
%{<<1, 2, 3>> => "Some Company Inc.",
  <<4, 5, 6>> => {32, %{
    <<4, 5, 6, 7>> => "Another Comp LLC",
    <<4, 5, 6, 8>> => "A 3rd Organisation"}}}

is it any good?

bien sûr.

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the mac README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.