
Monthly Downloads: 1,671
Programming language: Elixir
License: Apache License 2.0
Tags: XML    
Latest version: v1.1.0

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A simple XML parser in Elixir aims to parse rss/atom feeds. I'm currently using xmerl_scan.string to parse the xml. I'm a bit busy so I may take awhile to response and/or update. Feel free to send a pull request. Otherwise, check out hex for other XML parsers that may be better maintained.


Quinn.parse("<head><title short_name = \"yah\">Yahoo</title><title:content>Bing</title:content></head>")

Calling parse on the xml will produce

[%{attr: [], name: :head,
   value: [%{attr: [short_name: "yah"], name: :title, value: ["Yahoo"]},
           %{attr: [], name: :"title:content", value: ["Bing"]}]}]

Parsing without namespaces(key prefix)

xml = "<m:return xsi:type="d4p1:Answer">
      <d4p1:Title> Title </d4p1:Title>
      <d4p1:Description> Description </d4p1:Description>

Quinn.parse(xml, %{strip_namespaces: true})

Calling parse on the xml will produce

[%{attr: ["xsi:type": "d4p1:Answer"],
   name: :return,
   value: [%{attr: [], name: :title, value: ["Title"]},
%{attr: [], name: :description, value: ["Description"]}]}]

Parsing comments

xml = ~s(<head><title short_name = "yah">Yahoo</title><!--- <test pattern="SECAM" /><test pattern="NTSC" /> --></head>)
result = Quinn.parse(xml, %{comments: true})

The xml above will give you this. Note the name is comments.

[%{attr: [],
   name: :head,
   value: [%{attr: [short_name: "yah"], name: :title, value: ["Yahoo"]},
           %{attr: [], name: :comments, value: ~s(- <test pattern="SECAM" /><test pattern="NTSC" />)}]}]

Parsing - Attributes as map

xml = ~s(<m:return xsi:type="d4p1:Answer" desc="bla"><d4p1:Title> Title </d4p1:Title><d4p1:Description> Description </d4p1:Description></m:return>)

result = Quinn.parse(xml, %{map_attributes: true})

The xml above will give you the attributes in map

        expected = [%{attr: %{"xsi:type": "d4p1:Answer", desc: "bla"},
                      name: :"m:return",
                      value: [%{attr: %{}, name: :"d4p1:Title", value: ["Title"]},
                    %{attr: %{},
                      name: :"d4p1:Description",
                      value: ["Description"]}]}]

Finding nodes

Suppose you want to find all the body nodes from this structure:

structure = %{attr: [],
              name: :html,
              value: [%{attr: [], name: :head, value: ["title"]},
                      %{attr: [], name: :title, value: []},
                      %{attr: [], name: :body, value: ["body1", "body2"]},
                      %{attr: [], name: :footer, value: [%{attr: [], name: :line, value: ["this"]}]},
                      %{attr: [], name: :body, value: [%{attr: [], name: :line, value: ["that"]}]},
                      %{attr: [], name: :"content:encoded", value: ["<p>comet!!</p>"]}]}

You can call

Quinn.find(structure, :body)

This will be the result:

[%{attr: [], name: :body, value: ["body1", "body2"]},
 %{attr: [], name: :body, value: [%{attr: [], name: :line, value: ["that"]}]}]

Or given the structure above, you want to find the node line inside body, then you can invoke it like this:

Quinn.find(structure, [:body, :line])

The result will be

[%{attr: [], name: :line, value: ["that"]}]

Please refer to the tests if you want to see more example on how it is used.

Please let me know if you come across any problem. I'm still new to Elixir so feel free to contribute or clean up the code.


Quinn source code is released under Apache 2 License. Check LICENSE file for more information.

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the quinn README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.