Elixir library to manage notification dispatching. It allows you to manage the dispatch of notifications easily by using multiple strategies.
Ravenx alternatives and similar packages
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An opinionated Elixir wrapper around brod, the Erlang Kafka client, that supports encrypted connections to Heroku Kafka out of the box. -
TaskBunny is a background processing application written in Elixir and uses RabbitMQ as a messaging backend -
DISCONTINUED. DEPRECATED : An Elixir library (driver) for clients communicating with MQTT brokers(via the MQTT 3.1.1 protocol). -
Create a data stream across your information systems to query, augment and transform data according to Elixir matching rules. -
Elixir client for Disque (, an in-memory, distributed job queue.
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
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Notification dispatch library for Elixir applications (WIP).
- The package can be installed as simply as adding
to your list of dependencies inmix.exs
def deps do
[{:ravenx, "~> 1.1.3"}]
- Add Ravenx to your list of applications in
. This step is only needed if you are using a version older than Elixir 1.4.0 or you already have some applications listed under theapplications
key. In any other case applications are automatically inferred from dependencies (explained in the Application inference section):
def application do
applications: [
From version 2.0, strategies come in separate packages, so the dependencies needed are not added by default.
To define strategies, just add their packages to your mix.exs
file and add
them to Ravenx configuration as follows:
config :ravenx,
strategies: [
email: Ravenx.Strategy.Email
slack: Ravenx.Strategy.Slack
my_strategy: MyApp.Ravenx.MyStrategy
We currently maintain two strategies:
Also, 3rd party strategies are supported and listed below.
3rd party strategies
Amazing people created 3rd party strategies to use Ravenx with more services:
- Pusher (thanks to @behind-design): | GitHub
- Telegram (thanks to @maratgaliev): | GitHub
Anyone can create a strategy that works with Ravenx, so if you have one, please let us know to add it to this list.
Custom strategies
Maybe there is some internal service you need to call to send notifications, so there is a way to create custom strategies for yout projects.
First of all, you need to create a module that meet the required behaviour, like the example you can see here.
Then you can define custom strategies in application configuration:
config :ravenx,
strategies: [
my_strategy: YourApp.MyStrategy
and start using your strategy to deliver notifications using the atom assigned (in the example, my_strategy
Single notification
Sending a single notification is as simply as calling this method:
iex> Ravenx.dispatch(strategy, payload)
In which strategy
is an atom indicating one of the defined strategies and the
is a map with information to dispatch the notification.
For example:
iex> Ravenx.dispatch(:slack, %{title: "Hello world!", body: "Science is cool!"})
Optionally, a third parameter containing a map of options (like URLs or secrets) can be passed depending on strategy configuration needs.
Multiple notifications
You can implement notification modules that Ravenx
can use to know which strategies should use to send a specific notification.
To do it, you just need to use Ravenx.Notification
and implement a callback function:
defmodule YourApp.Notification.NotifyUser do
use Ravenx.Notification
def get_notifications_config(user) do
# In this function you can define which strategies use for your user (or
# whatever you want to pass as argument) and return something like:
slack: {:slack, %{title: "Important notification!", body: "Wait..."}, %{channel: user.slack_username}},
email_user: {:email, %{subject: "Important notification!", html_body: "<h1>Wait...</h1>", to: user.email_address}},
email_company: {:email, %{subject: "Important notification about an user!", html_body: "<h1>Wait...</h1>", to:}},
other_notification: {:invalid_strategy, %{text: "Important notification!"}, %{option1: value2}},
As seen above, strategies can be used multiple times in a notification list (to send multiple e-mails that have different payload, for example).
Note: each notification entry in the returned list should include:
- Atom defining the notification ID.
- A two or three element tuple containing:
- Atom defining which strategy should be used.
- Payload map with the data of the notification.
- (Optional) Options map for that strategy.
And then you can dispatch your notification using:
iex> YourApp.Notification.NotifyUser.dispatch(user)
or asynchronously:
iex> YourApp.Notification.NotifyUser.dispatch_async(user)
Both will return a list with the responses for each notification sent:
iex> YourApp.Notification.NotifyUser.dispatch(user)
slack: {:ok, ...},
email_user: {:ok, ...},
email_company: {:ok, ...},
other_notification: {:error, {:unknown_strategy, :invalid_strategy}}
Strategies usually needs configuration options. To solve that, there are three ways in which you can configure a notification dispatch strategy:
- Passing the options in the dispatch call:
iex> Ravenx.dispatch(:slack, %{title: "Hello world!", body: "Science is cool!"}, %{url: "...", icon: ":bird:"})
- Specifying a configuration module in your application config:
config :ravenx,
config: YourApp.RavenxConfig
and creating that module:
defmodule YourApp.RavenxConfig do
def slack (_payload) do
url: "...",
icon: ":bird:"
Note: the module should contain a function called as the strategy yopu are configuring, receiving the payload and returning a configuration Keyword list.
- Specifying the configuration directly on your application config file:
config :ravenx, :slack,
url: "...",
icon: ":bird:"
Mixing configurations
Configuration can also be mixed by using the three methods:
- Static configuration on application configuration.
- Dynamic configuration common to more than one scenario using a configuration module.
- Call-specific configuration sending a config Keyword list on
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