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Track and record all the changes in your database with Ecto. Revert back to anytime in history. -
Ecto PostgreSQL database performance insights. Locks, index usage, buffer cache hit ratios, vacuum stats and more.
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
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Ravix is a in-development project to implement a client for the amazing RavenDB NoSQL Database.
Add Ravix to your mix.exs dependencies
{:ravix, "~> 0.1"}
Setting up your Repository
Create a Ravix Store Module for your repository
defmodule YourProject.YourStore do
use Ravix.Documents.Store, otp_app: :your_app
You can configure your Store in your config.exs files
config :ravix, Ravix.TestStore,
urls: [System.get_env("RAVENDB_URL", "http://localhost:8080")],
database: "test",
retry_on_failure: true,
retry_backoff: 100,
retry_count: 3,
force_create_database: true,
document_conventions: %{
max_number_of_requests_per_session: 30,
max_ids_to_catch: 32,
timeout: 30,
use_optimistic_concurrency: false,
max_length_of_query_using_get_url: 1024 + 512,
identity_parts_separator: "/",
disable_topology_update: false
Then you can start the processes in your main supervisor
defmodule Ravix.TestApplication do
use Supervisor
def init(_opts) do
children = [
{Ravix, [%{}]},
{Ravix.TestStore, [%{}]} # you can create multiple stores
strategy: :one_for_one
def start_link(init_arg) do
Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, init_arg, name: __MODULE__)
Querying the Database
All operations supported by the driver should be executed inside a session, to open a session you can just call the open_session/0
function from the store you defined. All the changes are only persisted when the function
is called!
iex(2)> Ravix.TestStore.open_session()
{:ok, "985781c8-9154-494b-92d0-a66b49bb17ee"}
Inserting a new document
iex(2)> Ravix.TestStore.open_session()
iex(2)> {:ok, session_id} = Ravix.TestStore.open_session()
{:ok, "c4fb1f48-c969-4c76-9b12-5521926c7533"}
iex(3)> Ravix.Documents.Session.store(session_id, %{id: "cat/1", cat_name: "Adolfus"})
{:ok, %{cat_name: "Adolfus", id: "cat/1"}}
iex(4)> Ravix.Documents.Session.save_changes(session_id)
"Results" => [
"@change-vector" => "A:264-vzsRp+yZT0GDkS5GJY/pAQ",
"@collection" => "@empty",
"@id" => "cat/1",
"@last-modified" => "2022-03-28T15:01:45.6545514Z",
"Type" => "PUT"
Loading a document into the session
iex(3)> {:ok, session_id} = Ravix.TestStore.open_session()
{:ok, "d17e2be8-8c1e-4a59-8626-46725387f769"}
iex(4)> Ravix.Documents.Session.load(session_id, ["cat/1"])
"Includes" => %{},
"Results" => [
"@metadata" => %{
"@change-vector" => "A:264-vzsRp+yZT0GDkS5GJY/pAQ",
"@id" => "cat/1",
"@last-modified" => "2022-03-28T15:01:45.6545514Z"
"cat_name" => "Adolfus",
"id" => "cat/1"
"already_loaded_ids" => []
Querying using RQL
RavenDB provides a query-language called RQL, and for that Ravix provides two ways to deal with queries, using builder functions and raw RQLs
RQL Builder
You can build RQLs using the builder provided by the Ravix.RQL.Query
iex(11)> from("@all_docs") |> where(equal_to("cat_name", "Adolfus")) |> list_all(session_id)
"DurationInMs" => 1,
"IncludedPaths" => nil,
"Includes" => %{},
"IndexName" => "Auto/AllDocs/Bycat_nameAndid",
"IndexTimestamp" => "2022-03-28T18:39:58.7637789",
"IsStale" => false,
"LastQueryTime" => "2022-03-28T18:49:05.9272430",
"LongTotalResults" => 1,
"NodeTag" => "A",
"ResultEtag" => -4402181509807245325,
"Results" => [
"@metadata" => %{
"@change-vector" => "A:264-vzsRp+yZT0GDkS5GJY/pAQ",
"@id" => "cat/1",
"@index-score" => 5.330733299255371,
"@last-modified" => "2022-03-28T15:01:45.6545514Z"
"cat_name" => "Adolfus",
"id" => "cat/1"
"SkippedResults" => 0,
"TotalResults" => 1
Raw Query
iex(13)> raw("from @all_docs where cat_name = \"Adolfus\"") |> list_all(session_id)
"DurationInMs" => 1,
"IncludedPaths" => nil,
"Includes" => %{},
"IndexName" => "Auto/AllDocs/Bycat_nameAndid",
"IndexTimestamp" => "2022-03-28T18:39:58.7637789",
"IsStale" => false,
"LastQueryTime" => "2022-03-28T18:53:27.4689173",
"LongTotalResults" => 1,
"NodeTag" => "A",
"ResultEtag" => -4402181509807245325,
"Results" => [
"@metadata" => %{
"@change-vector" => "A:264-vzsRp+yZT0GDkS5GJY/pAQ",
"@id" => "cat/1",
"@index-score" => 5.330733299255371,
"@last-modified" => "2022-03-28T15:01:45.6545514Z"
"cat_name" => "Adolfus",
"id" => "cat/1"
"SkippedResults" => 0,
"TotalResults" => 1
RavenDB can organize the documents in collections, Ravix will automatically insert the document in a collection if you use the Ravix. Document macro. If you don't want to use the macro, your struct just need to have the :@metadata
defmodule Ravix.SampleModel.Cat do
use Ravix.Document, fields: [:id, :name, :breed]
Secure Server
To connect to a secure server, you can just inform the SSL certificate using the certificate
or the certificate_file
config :ravix, Ravix.TestStore,
urls: [System.get_env("RAVENDB_URL", "http://localhost:8080")],
database: "test",
certificate: CERT_IN_BASE_64,
certificate_file: "/opt/certs/cert.pfx"
Current State
Configuration ReadingSession ManagementRequest ExecutorsUnsafe Server ConnectionAuthenticated Server ConnectionCreate DocumentDelete DocumentLoad Document- Queries Engine (it works, but i'm not happy)
ClusteringTopology Updates- Counters
- Timeseries
- Asynchronous Subscriptions
- Attachments
The driver is working for the basic operations, clustering and resiliency are also implemented.