redix v0.3.0 Release Notes

  • 💥 Breaking changes

    • Change the behaviour for an empty list of command passed to Redix.pipeline/2 (Redix.pipeline(conn, [])), which now raises a Redix.ConnectionError complaining about the empty command. Before this release, the behaviour was just a connection timeout.

    • Change the behaviour of empty commands passed to Redix.command/2 or Redix.pipeline/2 (for example, Redix.command(conn, []) or Redix.pipeline(conn, [["PING"], []])); empty commands now return {:error, :empty_command}. The previous behaviour was just a connection timeout.

    • Remove Redix.start_link/1 in favour of just Redix.start_link/2: now Redis options are separated from the connection options. Redis options can be passed as a Redis URI as well.

    🐛 Bug fixes and improvements

    • Change the error messages for most of the Redix.ConnectionError exceptions from simple atoms to more meaningful messages.