redix v0.4.0 Release Notes

    • Add @lexmag to the maintainers :tada:

    • Handle timeouts nicely by returning {:error, :timeout} instead of exiting (which is the default GenServer behaviour).

    • Remove support for specifying a maximum number of reconnection attempts when connecting to Redis (it was the :max_reconnection_attempts option).

    • Use exponential backoff when reconnecting.

    • Don't reconnect right away after the connection to Redis is lost, but wait for a cooldown time first.

    • Add support for :backoff_initial and :backoff_max options in Redix.start_link/2. These options are used for controlling the backoff behaviour of a Redix connection.

    • Add support for the :sync_connect option when connecting to Redis.

    • Add support for the :exit_on_disconnection option when connecting to Redis.

    • Add support for the :log option when connecting to Redis.

    • Raise ArgumentError exceptions instead of Redix.ConnectionError exceptions for stuff like empty commands.

    • Raise Redix.Error exceptions from Redix.command/3 instead of returning them wrapped in {:error, _}.

    • Expose Redix.format_error/1.

    • Add a "Reconnections" page in the documentation.

    • Extract the Pub/Sub functionality into a separate project.