With Seven Otters you can easily define events, aggregates, aggregate roots, commands, projections, service, policies, and batches. Moreover Seven Otters internally implements a command bus and an events store. Seven Otters is published as open source project.
Seven Otters alternatives and similar packages
Based on the "Eventhandling" category.
Alternatively, view Seven Otters alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
:surfer: Traceable, extendable and minimalist **event bus** implementation for Elixir with built-in **event store** and **event watcher** based on ETS.
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of Seven Otters or a related project?
Seven Otters
A CQRS/ES Starter Kit for the BEAM.
Getting Started
Refer to Getting Started to have your first CQRS/ES application with Seven Otters.
To do
With no order:
- [x] Event store
- [x] InMemory support
- [x] MongoDb support
- [ ] (EventStore)[] support
- [x] Elasticsearch support - retired
- [x] Abstract for different stores beyond Mongo
- [x] Event structure
- [x] Command
- [x] Command bus
- [x] Aggregate
- [X] Snapshot implementation
- [ ] Unit test documentation
- [x] Policy
- [ ] Unit test documentation
- [x] Service
- [ ] Unit test documentation
- [.] Process (WIP)
- [ ] Review
- [ ] Unit test documentation
- [x] Projection
- [x] Snapshot implementation
- [ ] Unit test documentation
- [x] Generic command/query API support (Plug)
- [ ] To move to different project as helper library
- [x] Synchronous (domain related) API support
- [ ] To move to different project as helper library
- [ ] Generating Seven Otters project template (to analyze)
- [ ] Authentication support (to a different project as helper library)
- [ ] Authorization support (to a different project as helper library)
- [ ] graphical representations among otters/commands/events
[ ] specification test template
[ ] Improving events management (create/read/versioning)
[ ] Improving correlation id in events (even custom ids)
[ ] Improving pagination reading events (with cursor? stream?)
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