
Monthly Downloads: 62
Programming language: Elixir
License: MIT License
Tags: Third Party APIs    
Latest version: v0.3.2

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An Elixir library for interacting with the Amazon SimpleDB API.

Requires Elixir ~> 1.0.0


Install the Hex.pm package

  1. Add simplex to your mix.exs dependencies:

    def deps do
        {:simplex, "0.3.0"}
  2. Add :simplex to your application dependencies:

    def application do
      [applications: [:simplex]]


{:ok, simplex} = Simplex.new

AWS Keys

To communicate with the SimpleDB API you'll need to provide your AWS Access and Secret keys.

There are two ways to provide your keys to the Simplex library:

  1. Set them from within your application

    {:ok, simplex} = Simplex.new("your-access-key", "your-secret-access-key")


    {:ok, simplex} = Simplex.new
    Simplex.aws_access_key(simplex, "your-access-key")
    Simplex.aws_secret_access_key(simplex, "your-secret-access-key")
  2. Set them as the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

    AWS_ACCESS_KEY=your-access-key AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your-secret-access-key iex -S mix
    iex(1)> {:ok, simplex} = Simplex.new
    {:ok, #PID<0.164.0>}
    iex(2)> Simplex.aws_access_key(simplex)
    iex(3)> Simplex.aws_secret_access_key(simplex)
  3. If not provided by the above two methods Simplex will attempt to retrieve keys from instance metadata if it's running in EC2 and you launched your instance with an IAM role with permission to access SimpleDB.

SimpleDB URL

By default Simplex will send all requests to the us-east-1 SimpleDB url: https://sdb.amazonaws.com. If you want to use a different region you can change the url by:

  1. Setting it from within your application

    {:ok, simplex} = Simplex.new
    Simplex.simpledb_url(simplex, "https://sdb.us-west-1.amazonaws.com")
  2. Set it as the environment variable SIMPLEDB_URL

    SIMPLEDB_URL=https://sdb.us-west-1.amazonaws.com iex -S mix
    iex(1)> {:ok, simplex} = Simplex.new
    {:ok, #PID<0.164.0>}
    iex(2)> Simplex.simpledb_url(simplex)
SimpleDB Version

By default Simplex will use the 2009-04-15 version of the SimpleDB API. If you wish to use a different version you can change it by:

  1. Setting it from within your application

    {:ok, simplex} = Simplex.new
    Simplex.simpledb_version(simplex, "2008-02-12")
  2. Set it as the environment variable SIMPLEDB_VERSION

    SIMPLEDB_VERSION=2008-02-12 iex -S mix
    iex(1)> {:ok, simplex} = Simplex.new
    {:ok, #PID<0.164.0>}
    iex(2)> Simplex.simpledb_version(simplex)


Simplex will respond to SimpleDB requests with a 3 element tuple, either {:ok, result, response} or {:error, messages, response}


A Simplex response (third element of the tuple above) has the following fields:

  1. body: A Map containing the parsed body of the response
  2. status_code: The HTTP status code of the response
  3. headers: The response headers
  4. raw_body: The raw string of the response body. (XML)
Pattern Matching

You can pattern match to determine how to handle the response:

  case Simplex.Domains.create(simplex, "new_domain") do
    {:ok, result, response} ->
      # some happy path stuff here
    {:error, messages, response} ->
      # handle problems


Create a new domain.

  Simplex.Domains.create(simplex, "new_domain")

List domains.


  Simplex.Domains.list(simplex, %{"MaxNumberOfDomains" => "10", "NextToken" => "token-from-previous-list-response"})

Delete a domain.

  Simplex.Domains.delete(simplex, "domain_to_delete")


Get attributes of an item.

  Simplex.Attributes.get(simplex, "your_domain", "your_item_name")

  Simplex.Attributes.get(simplex, "your_domain", "your_item_name", %{"AttributeName" => "some_attribute", "ConsistentRead" => "true"})

Put attributes on an item (or create a new item).

  # Attribute values can be strings, lists of strings, or a
  # two-element tuple of :replace and a string or list of strings
  # The replace tuple indicates that the value should replace the existing
  # value for that attribute, rather than be added to its values

                         %{"some_key"        => "some_value",
                           "another_key"     => ["a", "list", "of", "values"],
                           "yet_another_key" => {:replace, "a value to replace the existing value(s) of yet_another_key"},
                           "one_last_key     => {:replace, ["values", "to", "replace", "one_last_key's", "previous", "value(s)"]}})

  # put "some_value" in the "some_key" attribute only if
  # "other_key" has the "other_value" value
                         %{"some_key" => "some_value"},
                         %{"Name" => "other_key", "Value" => "other_value"})

Delete attributes on an item (or delete an item).

  # Delete the "some_value" value from the "some_key" attribute
                            %{"some_key" => "some_value"})

  # Delete "your_item_name" if it doesn't have the "some_key" attribute
                            %{"Name" => "some_key", "Exists" => "false"})


Select attributes from items matching an expression.

  Simplex.Select.select(simplex, "select * from your_domain where some_key = 'some_value'")

  1. Implement BatchDeleteAttributes, BatchPutAttributes, and DomainMetadata
  2. Docs
  3. Implement Select.select_all / Domains.list_all (automatically follow next_token to load more results if present)