
Channels in Phoenix one of the coolest features. Even though that is not that hard to use.

Channels bring the interactive functionality to the web page. Usually, when you load the page, you are sending a request to a server and the server responds back with the HTML template. Once the rendering of the page is done, a server has no way to communicate back to your browser.

The things are changed with channels. When you load the page, it can establish a connection between a client (your brows
Authentication solutions are broad. They contain registration and login functionality, as well as Email confirmation, password recovery, update user’s profile etc.

We are going to cover the most valuable part and implement registration and login functionality.
Bootstrap 4 has been out recently. Let’s use the advantage of that and learn how to integrate front-end libraries into Phoenix projects.
This time we will cover CRUD functions and implement them in Phoenix. CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete.

In this article, we will proceed and implement functionality to manage rooms.
Today we will learn about Ecto library which Phoenix and Elixir applications use to communicate with a database.

We will cover static models and models using Ecto. We will also talk about bounded contexts. What is it and why is it for.
We will proceed to build a chat application. In this tutorial, we will get familiar with MVC and learn about Controllers and Views.
This time we will shortly describe OTP and dive into its features such as GenServers and Supervisors.
After covering some basics working with processes it is time to learn about Agents and Tasks. Those guys are simple-to-use Elixir abstractions which helps us to keep the state and tasks in parallel more easily.
Have you have a fear of applying concurrency techniques in your programs before. Me too.
But it is not that scary once you try it in Elixir.

In this article, I will talk about basics of concurrency in Elixir. We will find out that does Process mean, how to spawn it and communicate using messages between processes.
This time we will learn how to build a command line applications in Elixir.
We will use a Toy Robot simulator from previous parts and turn it into CLI app.
In this part we will implement the rest of functionality. Our robot will be able to move.
Applying the basics of Elixir to implement the Toy Robot simulator. We will be able to place the robot, rotate it and get the reports about its position.
This time I am covering the way to work with exceptions in Elixir
Elixir, as a functional programming language, normally follows declarative programming paradigm instead of imperative. By defining lots of small independent functions and use some tools Elixir provides us, we will use less of control flow constructions comparing to other languages. Well, maybe comparing to imperative languages.

However, we have tools to control a flow in Elixir and it is always good to know them.
After getting familiar with basics of Maps in Elixir it is time to dive deeper. It is also time to meet Structs and see how to use them.
Getting familiar with the Pattern Matching and Elixir through various examples with explanations.