appsignal-elixir v1.12.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-03-03 // about 4 years ago
    • ➕ Add explicit error handling for Phoenix channels. PR #527
    • ➕ Add Phoenix Telemetry event handler to add Phoenix 1.5 instrumentation. PR #528 & #538

    Before version Phoenix version 1.5. AppSignal’s Phoenix instrumentation depended on data from the Phoenix instrumenter, and the installation instructions included a step to attach AppSignal’s instrumenter to your application in your app’s configuration:

      config :appsignal_phoenix_example, AppsignalPhoenixExampleWeb.Endpoint,
        instrumenters: [Appsignal.Phoenix.Instrumenter]

    From Phoenix 1.5 on, the old Phoenix instrumentation is deprecated and removed in favor of the new Telemetry-based instrumentation. When upgrading to Phoenix 1.5, you’ll see a warning during compilation when using the old instrumenters:

      [warn] :instrumenters configuration for
      AppsignalPhoenixExampleWeb.Endpoint is deprecated and has no effect

    To switch to the new instrumentation, make sure you're running version 1.12.0 of the AppSignal integration or higher. Then, remove the instrumenters configuration option from your endpoint configuration. The new instrumentation should appear automatically in your samples as an event named call.phoenix_endpoint.