
Monthly Downloads: 149,804
Programming language: Erlang
License: MIT License
Tags: Templating     Mustache    
Latest version: v1.11.0

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CircleCI hex.pm version

Binary pattern match Based Mustache template engine for Erlang/OTP.


  • Binary pattern match based mustache template engine for Erlang/OTP.
    • It means do not use regular expressions.
  • Support maps and associative arrays.
  • Officially support is OTP17 or later.

What is Mustache ?

A logic-less templates.


Quick start

$ git clone git://github.com/soranoba/bbmustache.git
$ cd bbmustache
$ make start
Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.3] [source-f9282c6] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:true]

Eshell V6.3  (abort with ^G)
1> bbmustache:render(<<"{{name}}">>, #{"name" => "hoge"}).
2> bbmustache:render(<<"{{name}}">>, [{"name", "hoge"}]).

Use as a library

Add the following settings.

%% rebar (rebar.config)

   {bbmustache, ".*", {git, "git://github.com/soranoba/bbmustache.git", {branch, "master"}}}

%% rebar3 (rebar.config)

{deps, [bbmustache]}.

How to use simple Mustache


1> bbmustache:render(<<"{{name}}">>, #{"name" => "hoge"}).

2> Template1 = bbmustache:parse_binary(<<"{{name}}">>).
3> bbmustache:compile(Template1, #{"name" => "hoge"}).

4> Template2 = bbmustache:parse_file(<<"./hoge.mustache">>).
5> bbmustache:compile(Template2, #{"name" => "hoge"}).

Associative array

1> bbmustache:render(<<"{{name}}">>, [{"name", "hoge"}]).

2> Template1 = bbmustache:parse_binary(<<"{{name}}">>).
3> bbmustache:compile(Template1, [{"name", "hoge"}]).

4> Template2 = bbmustache:parse_file(<<"./hoge.mustache">>).
5> bbmustache:compile(Template2, [{"name", "hoge"}]).

Use as a command-line tool

make escriptize
echo '{"name", "hoge"}.' > vars.config
echo '{{name}}' > template.mustache
./bbmustache -d vars.config template.mustache

Data files (-d) support a single assoc list, a single map, and consult format. Note: the behind term has a high priority in all cases. it is a result of supporting to allow for embedding relative file paths as in config.

More information

  • For the alias of mustache, Please refer to ManPage and Specification
  • For the options of this library, please see [doc](doc)
  • For the functions supported by this library, please see [here](benchmarks/README.md)


Avoid http escaping

%% Please use `{{{tag}}}`
1> bbmustache:render(<<"<h1>{{{title}}}</h1>">>, #{"title" => "I like Erlang & mustache"}).
<<"<h1>I like Erlang & mustache</h1>">>

%% If you should not want to use `{{{tag}}}`, escape_fun can be use.
1> bbmustache:render(<<"<h1>{{title}}</h1>">>, #{"title" => "I like Erlang & mustache"}, [{escape_fun, fun(X) -> X end}]).
<<"<h1>I like Erlang & mustache</h1>">>

Already used { and } for other uses (like escript)

1> io:format(bbmustache:render(<<"
1> {{=<< >>=}}
1> {deps, [
1>   <<#deps>>
1>   {<<name>>, \"<<version>>\"}<<^last?>>,<</last?>>
1>   <</deps>>
1> ]}.
1> ">>, #{"deps" => [
1>   #{"name" => "bbmustache", "version" => "1.6.0"},
1>   #{"name" => "jsone", "version" => "1.4.6", "last?" => true}
1> ]})).

{deps, [
  {bbmustache, "1.6.0"},
  {jsone, "1.4.6"}

Want to use something other than string for key

1> bbmustache:render(<<"<h1>{{{title}}}</h1>">>, #{title => "I like Erlang & mustache"}, [{key_type, atom}]).
<<"<h1>I like Erlang & mustache</h1>">>

2> bbmustache:render(<<"<h1>{{{title}}}</h1>">>, #{<<"title">> => "I like Erlang & mustache"}, [{key_type, binary}]).
<<"<h1>I like Erlang & mustache</h1>">>

Want to provide a custom serializer for Erlang Terms

1> bbmustache:render(<<"<h1>{{title}}</h1>">>, #{title => "I like Erlang & mustache"}, [{key_type, atom}, {value_serializer, fun(X) -> X end}]).
<<"<h1>I like Erlang &amp; mustache</h1>">>

2> bbmustache:render(<<"<h1>{{{title}}}</h1>">>, #{<<"title">> => "I like Erlang & mustache"}, [{key_type, binary}, {value_serializer, fun(X) -> <<"replaced">> end}]).

3> bbmustache:render(<<"<h1>{{{title}}}</h1>">>, #{<<"title">> => #{<<"nested">> => <<"value">>}}, [{key_type, binary}, {value_serializer, fun(X) -> jsone:encode(X) end}]).
<<"<h1>{\"nested\": \"value\"}</h1>">>

4> bbmustache:render(<<"<h1>{{title}}</h1>">>, #{<<"title">> => #{<<"nested">> => <<"value">>}}, [{key_type, binary}, {value_serializer, fun(X) -> jsone:encode(X) end}]).


  • Lambda expression is included wasted processing.
    • Because it is optimized to parse_binary/1 + compile/2.

Comparison with other libraries

[Benchmarks and check the reference implementation](benchmarks/README.md)


Pull request is welcome =D


[MIT License](LICENSE)

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the bbmustache README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.