Bolt.Sips v0.3.1 Release Notes

    • 🔨 rollback/refactor to optionally allow external configuration options to be defined at runtime. You must start the Bolt.Sips manually, when needed, i.e. Bolt.Sips.start_link(url: "localhost"), or by changing your app's mix config file, i.e.
    def application do
      [applications: [:logger, :bolt_sips],
       mod: {Bolt.Sips.Application, []}]

    🔧 You can also specify custom configuration settings in you app's mix config file. These may overwrite your config file:

    def application do
      [extra_applications: [:logger], mod:
        {Bolt.Sips.Application, [url: 'localhost', pool_size: 15]}
    • code cleanup