ecto v3.0.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-10-29 // over 5 years ago
  • ๐Ÿš€ Note this version includes changes from ecto and ecto_sql but in future releases all ecto_sql entries will be listed in their own CHANGELOG.

    โœจ Enhancements

    • [Ecto.Adapters.MySQL] Add ability to specify cli_protocol for ecto.create and ecto.drop commands
    • [Ecto.Adapters.PostgreSQL] Add ability to specify maintenance database name for PostgreSQL adapter for ecto.create and ecto.drop commands
    • [Ecto.Changeset] Store constraint name in error metadata for constraints
    • [Ecto.Changeset] Add validations/1 and constraints/1 instead of allowing direct access on the struct fields
    • [Ecto.Changeset] Add :force_update option when casting relations, to force an update even if there are no changes
    • [Ecto.Migration] Migrations now lock the migrations table in order to avoid concurrent migrations in a cluster. The type of lock can be configured via the :migration_lock repository configuration and defaults to "FOR UPDATE" or disabled if set to nil
    • [Ecto.Migration] Add :migration_default_prefix repository configuration
    • [Ecto.Migration] Add reversible version of remove/2 subcommand
    • [Ecto.Migration] Add support for non-empty arrays as defaults in migrations
    • [Ecto.Migration] Add support for logging notices/alerts/warnings when running migrations (only supported by Postgres currently)
    • [Ecto.Migrator] Warn when migrating and there is a higher version already migrated in the database
    • [Ecto.Multi] Add support for anonymous functions in insert/4, update/4, insert_or_update/4, and delete/4
    • [Ecto.Query] Support tuples in where and having, allowing queries such as where: {,} > {^foo, ^bar}
    • [Ecto.Query] Support arithmetic operators in queries as a thin layer around the DB functionality
    • [Ecto.Query] Allow joins in queries to be named via :as and allow named bindings
    • [Ecto.Query] Support excluding specific join types in exclude/2
    • [Ecto.Query] Allow virtual field update in subqueries
    • [Ecto.Query] Support coalesce/2 in queries, such as select: coalesce(p.title, p.old_title)
    • [Ecto.Query] Support filter/2 in queries, such as select: filter(count(, p.public == true)
    • [Ecto.Query] The :prefix and :hints options are now supported on both from and join expressions
    • [Ecto.Query] Support :asc_nulls_last, :asc_nulls_first, :desc_nulls_last, and :desc_nulls_first in order_by
    • [Ecto.Query] Allow variables (sources) to be given in queries, for example, useful for invoking functions, such as fragment("some_function(?)", p)
    • [Ecto.Query] Add support for union, union_all, intersection, intersection_all, except and except_all
    • [Ecto.Query] Add support for windows and over
    • [Ecto.Query] Raise when comparing a string with a charlist during planning
    • [Ecto.Repo] Only start transactions if an association or embed has changed, this reduces the overhead during repository operations
    • [Ecto.Repo] Support :replace_all_except_primary_key as :on_conflict strategy
    • [Ecto.Repo] Support {:replace, fields} as :on_conflict strategy
    • [Ecto.Repo] Support :unsafe_fragment as :conflict_target
    • [Ecto.Repo] Support select in queries given to update_all and delete_all
    • [Ecto.Repo] Add Repo.exists?/2
    • [Ecto.Repo] Add Repo.checkout/2 - useful when performing multiple operations in short-time to interval, allowing the pool to be bypassed
    • [Ecto.Repo] Add :stale_error_field to Repo.insert/update/delete that converts Ecto.StaleEntryError into a changeset error. The message can also be set with :stale_error_message
    • [Ecto.Repo] Preloading now only sorts results by the relationship key instead of sorting by the whole struct
    • [Ecto.Schema] Allow :where option to be given to has_many/has_one/belongs_to/many_to_many

    ๐Ÿ› Bug fixes

    • [Ecto.Inspect] Do not fail when inspecting query expressions which have a number of bindings more than bindings available
    • [Ecto.Migration] Keep double underscores on autogenerated index names to be consistent with changesets
    • [Ecto.Query] Fix for single nil column with join
    • [Ecto.Migration] Ensure create_if_not_exists is properly reversible
    • [Ecto.Repo] Allow many_to_many associations to be preloaded via a function (before the behaviour was erratic)
    • [Ecto.Schema] Make autogen ID loading work with custom type
    • [Ecto.Schema] Make updated_at have the same value as inserted_at
    • [Ecto.Schema] Ensure all fields are replaced with on_conflict: :replace_all/:replace_all_except_primary_key and not only the fields sent as changes
    • [Ecto.Type] Return :error when casting NaN or infinite decimals
    • [mix ecto.migrate] Properly run migrations after ECTO_EDITOR changes
    • [mix ecto.migrations] List migrated versions even if the migration file is deleted
    • [mix ecto.load] The task now fails on SQL errors on Postgres

    ๐Ÿ—„ Deprecations

    ๐Ÿš€ Although Ecto 3.0 is a major bump version, the functionality below emits deprecation warnings to ease the migration process. The functionality below will be removed in future Ecto 3.1+ releases.

    • [Ecto.Changeset] Passing a list of binaries to cast/3 is deprecated, please pass a list of atoms instead
    • [Ecto.Multi] now receives the repo in which the transaction is executing as the first argument to functions, and the changes so far as the second argument
    • [Ecto.Query] join/5 now expects on: expr as last argument instead of simply expr. This was done in order to properly support the :as, :hints and :prefix options
    • [Ecto.Repo] The :returning option for update_all and delete_all has been deprecated as those statements now support select clauses
    • [Ecto.Repo] Passing :adapter via config is deprecated in favor of passing it on use Ecto.Repo
    • [Ecto.Repo] The :loggers configuration is deprecated in favor of "Telemetry Events"

    Backwards incompatible changes

    • [Ecto.DateTime] Ecto.Date, Ecto.Time and Ecto.DateTime were previously deprecated and have now been removed
    • [Ecto.DataType] Ecto.DataType protocol has been removed
    • [Ecto.Migration] Automatically inferred index names may differ in Ecto v3.0 for indexes on complex column names
    • [Ecto.Multi] now receives the repo in which the transaction is executing as the first argument to functions, and the changes so far as the second argument
    • [Ecto.Query] A join no longer wraps fragment in parentheses. In some cases, such as common table expressions, you will have to explicitly wrap the fragment in parens.
    • [Ecto.Repo] The on_conflict: :replace_all option now will also send fields with default values to the database. If you prefer the old behaviour that only sends the changes in the changeset, you can set it to on_conflict: {:replace, Map.keys(changeset.changes)} (this change is also listed as a bug fix)
    • [Ecto.Repo] The repository operations are no longer called from association callbacks - this behaviour was not guaranteed in previous versions but we are listing as backwards incompatible changes to help with users relying on this behaviour
    • [Ecto.Repo] :pool_timeout is no longer supported in favor of a new queue system described in DBConnection.start_link/2 under "Queue config". For most users, configuring :timeout is enough, as it now includes both queue and query time
    • [Ecto.Schema] :time, :naive_datetime and :utc_datetime no longer keep microseconds information. If you want to keep microseconds, use :time_usec, :naive_datetime_usec, :utc_datetime_usec
    • [Ecto.Schema] The @schema_prefix option now only affects the from/join of where the schema is used and no longer the whole query
    • [Ecto.Schema.Metadata] The source key no longer returns a tuple of the schema_prefix and the table/collection name. It now returns just the table/collection string. You can now access the schema_prefix via the prefix key.
    • [Mix.Ecto] Mix.Ecto.ensure_started/2 has been removed. However, in Ecto 2.2 the Mix.Ecto module was not considered part of the public API and should not have been used but we are listing this for guidance.

    Adapter changes

    • [Ecto.Adapter] Split Ecto.Adapter into Ecto.Adapter.Queryable and Ecto.Adapter.Schema to provide more granular repository APIs
    • [Ecto.Adapter] The :sources field in query_meta now contains three elements tuples with {source, schema, prefix} in order to support from/join prefixes (#2572)
    • [Ecto.Adapter] The database types time, utc_datetime and naive_datetime should translate to types with seconds precision while the database types time_usec, utc_datetime_usec and naive_datetime_usec should have microseconds precision (#2291)
    • [Ecto.Adapter] The on_conflict argument for insert and insert_all no longer receives a {:replace_all, list(), atom()} tuple. Instead, it receives a {fields :: [atom()], list(), atom()} where fields is a list of atoms of the fields to be replaced (#2181)
    • [Ecto.Adapter] insert/update/delete now receive both :source and :prefix fields instead of a single :source field with both source and prefix in it (#2490)
    • [Ecto.Adapter.Migration] A new lock_for_migration/4 callback has been added. It is implemented by default by Ecto.Adapters.SQL (#2215)
    • [Ecto.Adapter.Migration] The execute_ddl should now return {:ok, []} to make space for returning notices/hints/warnings in the future (adapters leveraging Ecto.Adapters.SQL do not have to perform any change)
    • [Ecto.Query] The from field in Ecto.Query now returns a Ecto.Query.FromExpr with the :source field, unifying the behaviour in from and join expressions (#2497)
    • [Ecto.Query] Tuple expressions are now supported in queries. For example, where: {,} > {, p.baz} should translate to WHERE (, > (, p.baz) in SQL databases. Adapters should be changed to handle {:{}, meta, exprs} in the query AST (#2344)
    • [Ecto.Query] Adapters should support the following arithmetic operators in queries +, -, * and / (#2400)
    • [Ecto.Query] Adapters should support filter/2 in queries, as in select: filter(count(, p.public == true) (#2487)