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Elixir implementation of Ethereum's RLP (Recursive Length Prefix) encoding.
The encoding's specification can be found in the yellow paper or in the ethereum wiki.
The easiest way to add ExRLP to your project is by using Mix.
Add :ex_rlp
as a dependency to your project's mix.exs
defp deps do
{:ex_rlp, "~> 0.5.3"}
And run:
$ mix deps.get
Basic Usage
Use ExRLP.encode/1
method to encode an item to RLP representation. An item can be non-negative integer, binary or list. List can contain integers, binaries or lists.
iex> "dog" |> ExRLP.encode(encoding: :hex)
iex> "dog" |> ExRLP.encode(encoding: :binary)
<<0x83, 0x64, 0x6f, 0x67>>
iex> 1000 |> ExRLP.encode(encoding: :hex)
# Default encoding is binary
iex> 1000 |> ExRLP.encode
<<0x82, 0x03, 0xe8>>
iex> [ [ [], [] ], [] ] |> ExRLP.encode(encoding: :hex)
Use ExRLP.decode/1
method to decode a RLP encoded data. All items except lists are decoded as binaries so additional deserialization is needed if initially an item of another type was encoded.
iex> "83646f67" |> ExRLP.decode(encoding: :hex)
iex> "8203e8" |> ExRLP.decode(encoding: :hex) |> :binary.decode_unsigned
iex> "c4c2c0c0c0" |> ExRLP.decode(encoding: :hex)
[[[], []], []]
More examples can be found in test files.
You can define protocols for encoding/decoding custom data types.
defmodule ExRLP.LogEntry do
defstruct address: nil, topics: [], data: nil
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
address: EVM.address(),
topics: [integer()],
data: binary()
@spec new(binary, [integer()], binary()) :: t()
def new(address, topics, data) do
address: address,
topics: topics,
data: data
def to_list(log) do
[log.address, log.topics, log.data]
defimpl ExRLP.Encode, for: ExRLP.LogEntry do
alias ExRLP.{Encode, LogEntry}
@spec encode(LogEntry.t(), keyword()) :: binary()
def encode(log, options \\ []) do
|> LogEntry.to_list()
|> Encode.encode(options)
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Ayrat Badykov (@ayrat555)
Copyright and License
Copyright (c) 2017 Geoffrey Hayes, Ayrat Badykov, Mason Forest
ExRLP is released under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE.md](./LICENSE.md) file for further details.
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the ex_rlp README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.