exop v1.1.2 Release Notes

  • 🔄 Changes

    • now it is possible to return an :error-tuple of any length from an operation. Previously only a tuple of two elements was treated as error result, any other results treated as success and were wrapped into :ok-tuple
    • now it is possible to provide 3-arity function to the func check: in previous verisons this check expected only a function with arity == 2 to invoke for checking (1. params passed to an operation, 2. param to check value), starting from this version you can provide a function with arity == 3 (in this case Exop will invoke your function with: 1. params passed to an operation, 2. param to check name, 3. param to check value)
    • coerce_with can take a function of arity == 2 (not only with arity == 1), coercion function/2 will be invoked with args: 1. parameter name 2. parameter value (coercion function with arity == 1 still takes just a parameter value)
    • some checks aliases were added