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Hsnif allows to write Erlang NIF libraries in Haskell.
Hsnif consists of two parts:
- Rebar plugin that compilates Haskell code to shared library
- Haskell library which is an interface to functions and types of Erlang NIF library
Rebar plugin
Rebar plugin implements compile
and clean
To add rebar plugin to a new project, add following lines to rebar.config:
{deps, [
{hsnif, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/urbanserj/hsnif.git", "master"}}
{plugin_dir, "deps/hsnif/src"}.
{plugins, [hsnif]}.
For specifying Target, Source and Compilation options (the last is optional) these lines need to be added:
{hsnif_spec, [
{"priv/target.so", "hs_src/Source.hs", [
{cflags, ["-O"]},
{ldflags, []}
Haskell code
All exported from Source file functions will be NIF functions, and each of them should satisfy the following criteria:
- Each function's argument and return value should be an instance of the class
(see below) - First argument is optional, it should be
id :: ErlNifTerm -> ErlNifTerm
sum :: Int -> Int -> Int
reverse :: ErlNifEnv -> ErlNifTerm -> IO ErlNifTerm
tratata :: ErlNifEnv -> IO ErlNifTerm
This haskell library is a part of hsnif and it is an interface to functions and types of Erlang NIF library.
To convert between Erlang and Haskell types class ErlTerm
is used. Instance of the class ErlTerm
must implement two functions:
(haskell to erlang term convertation) and fromErlNifTerm
(vice versa).
class ErlTerm a where
toErlNifTerm :: ErlNifEnv -> a -> IO ErlNifTerm
fromErlNifTerm :: ErlNifEnv -> ErlNifTerm -> IO a
Following instances already exist in the Foreign.Erlang.Nif
ErlTerm Char
ErlTerm Double
ErlTerm Int32
ErlTerm Int64
ErlTerm Word32
ErlTerm Word64
ErlTerm ()
Integral a => ErlTerm a
ErlTerm CStringLen
ErlTerm CString
ErlTerm ErlAtom
ErlTerm ErlNifBinary
ErlTerm ErlNifTerm
ErlTerm a => ErlTerm [a]
ErlTerm a => ErlTerm (IO a)
ErlTerm a => ErlTerm (ErlTuple a)
ErlTerm (ErlBinary String)
ErlTerm (ErlBinary CStringLen)
(ErlTerm a, ErlTerm b) => ErlTerm (a, b)
(ErlTerm a, ErlTerm b, ErlTerm c) => ErlTerm (a, b, c)
(ErlTerm a, ErlTerm b, ErlTerm c, ErlTerm d) => ErlTerm (a, b, c, d)
To create a new instance of the class ErlTerm
for arbitrary type add an instance for this type to source file.
import Data.ByteString
import Foreign.C.String
instance ErlTerm (ByteString) where
toErlNifTerm env x =
useAsCStringLen x $ \cstr ->
toErlNifTerm env (ErlBinary cstr)
fromErlNifTerm env x = do
ErlBinary cstr <- fromErlNifTerm env x :: IO (ErlBinary CStringLen)
packCStringLen cstr
onLoad and onUnload
You can specify two optional functions onLoad
and onUnload
in the source file. These functions will be called on loading and on unloading the module respectively and should be one of the following types:
onLoad :: ErlNifEnv -> Ptr (Ptr ()) -> IO ErlNifTerm
onLoad :: ErlNifEnv -> IO ErlNifTerm
onLoad :: Ptr (Ptr ()) -> IO ErlNifTerm
onLoad :: IO ErlNifTerm
onUnload :: ErlNifEnv -> Ptr () -> IO ()
onUnload :: ErlNifEnv -> IO ()
onUnload :: Ptr () -> IO ()
onUnload :: IO ()
Look for semantics of these functions in Erlang NIF documentation.