
Monthly Downloads: 12,006
Programming language: Elixir
License: Apache License 2.0
Latest version: v0.9.1

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Add Mariaex as a dependency in your mix.exs file.

def deps do
  [{:mariaex, "~> 0.8.2"} ]

After you are done, run mix deps.get in your shell to fetch and compile Mariaex. Start an interactive Elixir shell with iex -S mix.

  iex(1)> {:ok, p} = Mariaex.start_link(username: "ecto", database: "ecto_test")
  {:ok, #PID<0.108.0>}

  iex(2)> Mariaex.query(p, "CREATE TABLE test1 (id serial, title text)")
  {:ok, %Mariaex.Result{columns: [], command: :create, num_rows: 0, rows: []}}

  iex(3)> Mariaex.query(p, "INSERT INTO test1 VALUES(1, 'test')")
  {:ok, %Mariaex.Result{columns: [], command: :insert, num_rows: 1, rows: []}}

  iex(4)> Mariaex.query(p, "INSERT INTO test1 VALUES(2, 'test2')")
  {:ok, %Mariaex.Result{columns: [], command: :insert, num_rows: 1, rows: []}}

  iex(5)> Mariaex.query(p, "SELECT id, title FROM test1")
   %Mariaex.Result{columns: ["id", "title"], command: :select, num_rows: 2,
    rows: [[1, "test"], [2, "test2"]}}


Important configuration, which depends on used charset for support unicode chars, see :binary_as in Mariaex.start_link/1

JSON library

As default, Poison is used for JSON library in mariaex to support JSON column.

If you want to use another library, please set config.exs like below.

config :mariaex, json_library: SomeLibrary


Data representation

MySQL                 Elixir
----------            ------
NULL                  nil
TINYINT               42
INT                   42
BIGINT                42
FLOAT                 42.0
DOUBLE                42.0
DECIMAL               #Decimal<42.0> *
VARCHAR               "eric"
TEXT                  "eric"
BLOB                  <<42>>
DATE                  %Date{year: 2013, month: 10, day: 12}
TIME                  %Time{hour: 0, minute: 37, second: 14} **
YEAR                  2013
DATETIME              %DateTime{year: 2013 month: 10, day: 12, hour: 0, minute: 37, second: 14} **
TIMESTAMP             %DateTime{year: 2013 month: 10, day: 12, hour: 0, minute: 37, second: 14} **
BIT                   << 1 >>
GEOMETRY/POINT        %Mariaex.Geometry.Point{coordinates: {1.0, -1.0}, srid: 42}
GEOMETRY/LINESTRING   %Mariaex.Geometry.LineString{coordinates: [{0.0, 0.0}, {10.0, 10.0}, {20.0, 25.0}, {50.0, 60.0}], srid: 0}
GEOMETRY/POLYGON      %Mariaex.Geometry.Polygon{coordinates: [[{0.0, 0.0}, {10.0, 0.0}, {10.0, 10.0}, {0.0, 10.0}, {0.0, 0.0}], [{5.0, 5.0}, {7.0, 5.0}, {7.0, 7.0}, {5.0, 7.0}, {5.0, 5.0}]], srid: 0}