Ex_Money v5.9.0 Release Notes

  • 🚀 This is the changelog for Money v5.9.0 released on February 21st, 2022. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub

    Note ex_money 5.9.0 is supported on Elixir 1.10 and later versions only. It also requires ex_cldr_numbers 2.25 or later.

    ✨ Enhancements

    • 📦 Updates to ex_cldr version 2.26.0 and ex_cldr_numbers version 2.25.0 which use atoms for locale names and rbnf locale names. This is consistent with other elements of t:Cldr.LanguageTag where atoms are used when the cardinality of the data is fixed and relatively small and strings where the data is free format.

    • Adjusts the output of Money.inspect/2 to be executable code. Instead of #Money<:USD, 100> the output will be Money.new(:USD, "100"). This improved developer experience by allowing for copy/paste of inspect/2 results into iex. It is also in line with similar changes being made in Elixir, Decimal and others.

    • Add documentation for :currency_symbol option for Money.to_string/2. Although its an option that is passed through to Cldr.Number.to_string/3, its very relevant to t:Money formatting.