xandra v0.11.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-05-23 // almost 5 years ago
    • Add Xandra.child_spec/1.
    • Add encryption support through the :encryption option.
    • Add the :decimal_format option to return decimals as tuples or Decimal structs. If you want to use decimal_format: :decimal, you have to specify decimal as a dependency.
    • Add the :default_consistency option to provide a connection-wide default consistency.

    💥 Breaking changes:

    • Add the :uuid_format and :timeuuid_format options to return UUIDs as binaries or human-readable strings. This is a breaking change because the default changed to :string. If you want to keep the previous behavior, pass uuid_format: :binary or timeuuid_format: :binary to Xandra.execute/3/4.
    • Remove support for the :pool option in Xandra. Now the pool of connections is always a pool with size configurable by :pool_size.
    • Add Xandra.Cluster as a separate module with an API that mirrors Xandra, instead of as a DBConnection pool.
    • Bump the Elixir requirement to ~> 1.6.