memoize alternatives and similar packages
Based on the "Algorithms and Data structures" category.
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An Elixir library for generating struct constructors that handle external data with ease. -
Extension of the Elixir standard library focused on data stuctures, data manipulation and performance -
:necktie: An Elixir presenter package used to transform map structures. "ActiveModel::Serializer for Elixir" -
Calculates the difference between two (nested) maps, and returns a map representing the patch of changes. -
String metrics and phonetic algorithms for Elixir (e.g. Dice/Sorensen, Hamming, Jaccard, Jaro, Jaro-Winkler, Levenshtein, Metaphone, N-Gram, NYSIIS, Overlap, Ratcliff/Obershelp, Refined NYSIIS, Refined Soundex, Soundex, Weighted Levenshtein) -
Elixir library implementing a parallel matrix multiplication algorithm and other utilities for working with matrices. Used for benchmarking computationally intensive concurrent code. -
Closure Table
Closure Table for Elixir - a simple solution for storing and manipulating complex hierarchies. -
Bitmap implementation in Elixir using binaries and integers. Fast space efficient data structure for lookups -
Elixir library providing some handy parallel processing facilities that supports configuring number of workers and timeout.
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Popular Comparisons
A memoization macro (defmemo) for Elixir.
Adapted from : (Gustavo Brunoro)
I found Gustavo's Gist when looking at memoization and elixir and fixed it to work with version 1.0.x. Since then I've fixed a few of the problems with the original implementation:
will correctly memoize the results of functions with identical signatures but in different modules.
will work with 'when' guard clauses in function definitions. (That was fun!)
Added lots of lovely tests.
Add defmemo to your mix.exs file:
{:defmemo, "~> 0.1.0"}
And run:
mix deps.get
Before using a defmemo'd function (it's fine to define them), start_link must be called. e.g.
or you can add :defmemo into the applications section of your mix.exs:
[applications: [:logger, :defmemo]]
defmodule FibMemo do
import DefMemo
defmemo fibs(0), do: 0
defmemo fibs(1), do: 1
defmemo fibs(n), do: fibs(n - 1) + fibs(n - 2)
def fib_10 do
As you would expect for something like fibs, memoization provides dramatic performance improvements:
fib (unmemoized)
function -> {result, running time(μs)}
fibs(30) -> {832040, 31089}
fibs(30) -> {832040, 31833}
FibMemo (memoized)
fibs(30) -> {832040, 79}
fibs(30) -> {832040, 3}
fibs(50) -> {12586269025, 103}
fibs(50) -> {12586269025, 3}
Note that these have also improved from version 0.1 to 0.1.1. The above numbers are on the low end of the spectrum with access ranging from 2 to 15 μs for me.
- Add test for supervisor crashing.
- Look at injecting the type of result table used.
- Better documentation.
- More tests (alwaaaays with the testing!)
Test with some biger data (e.g. for something like web crawling)
~~Supervisor ~~
Redis Based ResultTable - I've been playing with this - obviously there are limitations on type and it's slower than gen server but there are of course circumstances where it could be useful but for the most part its not a good "fit".