Drab v0.7.5 Release Notes

  • 🆕 New Features

    Living assigns inside the shared comamander

    ⚡️ If you are using drab-commander attribute, the requests coming from the shared commander updates stuff only under this tag.

    <div drab-commander="DrabTestApp.Shared1Commander">
      <div><%= @assign1 %></div>
      <button drab-click="button_clicked">Shared 1</button>
    <div drab-commander="DrabTestApp.Shared1Commander">
      <div><%= @assign1 %></div>
      <button drab-click="button_clicked">Shared 2</button>
    defhandler button_clicked(socket, sender) do
      poke socket, assign1: "changed"

    ⚡️ This will update only the div with @assign1 in the same as the button.

    The Great Unification

    Callbacks now works in the Shared Commanders.

    drab-id attribute now is generated with the counter, instead of UUID

    This means you are now able to use this/1 and this_commander/1 with the broadcasting functions.

    💻 The browser will not reconnect when client library change

    👮 Forces user to reload the page in case the Drab JS library is changed.