ecto_factory alternatives and similar packages
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Track and record all the changes in your database with Ecto. Revert back to anytime in history. -
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Do you think we are missing an alternative of ecto_factory or a related project?
Easily generate data based on your ecto schemas.
Add ecto_factory to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:ecto_factory, "~> 0.1.0"}
Assume we're using the following User
defmodule User do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "users" do
field :age, :integer
field :username, :string
field :date_of_birth, :date
field :address, :map
Now you can use EctoFactory to generate a Ecto struct with random data for each of your differnt fields
#=> %User{
age: 230419832, #random number for an :integer
username: aduasdaitquweofads, #random string for a :string
date_of_birth: ~D[2019-10-10], #today for a :date
address: %{ #random map of string for a :map
"aduiasdoufp" => "eruiqweu"
"wfhsddha" => "uudfadsuyanbasvasd"
You can set defaults in your config:
# config/config.exs
config :ecto_factory, factories: [
user_with_defaults: { User, [
age: 99,
username: "mrmicahcooper",
date_of_birth: Date.from_iso8601!("2012-12-12")
] }
Which will allow you to do the following:
#=> %User{
age: 99
username: "mrmicahcooper"
date_of_birth: ~D[2012-12-12]
address: %{
"aduiasdoufp" => "eruiqweu"
"wfhsddha" => "uudfadsuyanbasvasd"
Notice the :address
is still random data
And if you don't want to use random data or defaults, you can specify your attributes at runtime:
username: "foo",
age: 2,
date_of_birth: ~D[2019-01-01],
address: %{},
#=> %User{
address: %{}
age: 2,
date_of_birth: ~d[2019-01-01],
username: "foo",
You can also use EctoFactory's own generators to create radom data. You can do this when specifying attributes:
username: :string, # random string
email: :email, # random email
address: {:map, :integer}, # map where the keys are random strings, and the values are random integers
#=> %User{
address: %{
"aduiasdoufp" => 12387128412,
"wfhsaaddha" => 1238194012
age: 1293812931,
date_of_birth: ~d[2019-01-01],
username: "asdlfkjad",
You can also just call these straight from
EctoFactory with &Ectofactory.gen/1
# => 1204918243915 # randome integer
# => "7D654105-F75D-4E73-8B97-BC7CE1E51EDA" # uuid
# => "[email protected]" #email composed of a bunch of random strings
Here is a full list of the random things you can
create. Notice this is a 1-1 mapping of Ecto's
default data types with 1 (more to come)
convenience type - :email
{:array, type}
{:map, type}
$ git clone
$ cd ecto_factory
$ mix deps.get
$ mix test