
Monthly Downloads: 7,138
Programming language: CSS
License: MIT License
Tags: Documentation    
Latest version: v0.3.0

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Creates API documentation for Elxir projects in the Docsets format for use in Dash.app for MacOS X or iOS. This is the first draft so problems may occur.

Template Design is generated by slashing away at TripIt's Slate template.

Installation & Usage

Please note that you will need to have the sqlite3 binary installed.

As a dependency for your project

Open up your mix.exs and add the following to your deps.

{:ex_doc_dash, "~> 0.2.0", only: :docs}

Build your dependencies

MIX_ENV=docs mix do deps.get, deps.compile

Now you can build your Dash.app documentation using the docs.dash task and it will be save in ./docs.

MIX_ENV=docs mix docs.dash

As a global archive

Check out ExDocDash and install as a global dependency

git clone https://github.com/JonGretar/ExDocDash.git
cd ExDocDash
mix do deps.get, archive.build, archive.install

Now you should have the docs.dash mix task available in all projects.

Note that these projects will have to have ex_doc and earmark as it's dependency as it's not globally installed.

Example of generating Phoenix Documentation

ExDocDash Phoenix docs


All contributions are appreciated. Info on the Docset format can be found in the following links.