
Monthly Downloads: 294
Programming language: Elixir
License: MIT License
Tags: Date And Time    
Latest version: v0.3.0

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Elixir Jalaali calendar

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Elixir implementation of jalaali.js which contains a Calendar implementation for jalaali and some functions for converting Jalaali and Gregorian calendar systems to each other.


You can install jalaali by Addding it to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:jalaali, "~> 0.3"}]


After installing jalaali package. you can create Dates/DateTimes in jalaali or convert Dates/DateTimes form other calendars back an forth.

This feature is intruduced in Elixir 1.5 so in any versions below 1.5 the Date and DateTime modules lack functions for converting calendars. However you can just copy those modules but its just better to migrate to 1.5 or above

How to use

  • Creating new Date

    Date.new(1396, 6, 30, Jalaali.Calendar)
    {:ok, %Date{calendar: Jalaali.Calendar, day: 30, month: 6, year: 1396}}
  • Converting a DateTime to Jalaali

    datetime_in_any_calendar = DateTime.utc_now(Calendar.ISO)
    {:ok, jalaali_datetime} = DateTime.convert(datetime_in_any_calendar, Jalaali.Calendar)
  • Converting a DateTime from Jalaali

    jalaali_datetime = DateTime.utc_now(Jalaali.Calendar)
    {:ok, iso_datetime} = DateTime.convert(jalaali_datetime, Calendar.ISO)
  • Converting a Date to Jalaali

    date_in_any_calendar = Date.new(2017, 1, 1, Calendar.ISO)
    {:ok, jalaali_date} = Date.convert(date_in_any_calendar, Jalaali.Calendar)
  • Converting a Date from Jalaali

    {:ok, jalaali_date} = Date.new(1396, 6, 30, Jalaali.Calendar)
    {:ok, iso_date} = Date.convert(jalaali_date, Calendar.ISO)

Thats super easy. :)


This project is license under MIT.

For more information please check LICENSE

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the jalaali README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.