
Monthly Downloads: 4
Programming language: Elixir
License: MIT License
Tags: Date And Time    
Latest version: v0.9.2

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Timelier is a cron style scheduling application for Elixir. It will match a list of time 'patterns' against the current time and start any tasks associated with each matching pattern.


  1. Add timelier to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
  def deps do
    [{:timelier, "~> 0.9.2"}]
  1. To ensure timelier can successfully start tasks defined in your application (or its dependencies), add it as an included application:
def application do
  [included_applications: [:timelier]]

and append it's root supervisor to the list of children that your own top-level supervisor starts, e.g.

def start(_type, _args) do
  import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false

  # Define workers and child supervisors to be supervised
  children = [
    worker(YourApp.YourWorker, []),
    # Other children in your supervision tree...

    supervisor(Timelier.Supervisor, []) # Add timelier's top-level supervisor

  opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: YourApp.Supervisor]
  Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)


There are three configuration variables that may be specified in the :timelier application:

  • crontab: The list of crontab entries - see below for a discussion of the format. If not specified, defaults to the empty list.
  • timezone: Either :local or :utc. This determines how the current time is matched against the crontab entries. If not specified, defaults to :local
  • provider: Allows the source of crontab configuration to be overridden. See the hex docs for more information.

Crontab entry format.

Each entry in the crontab list is a 2-tuple of {pattern, task}.

  • The pattern is a 5-tuple of the form {minute, hour, day, day-of-week, month}. Both wildcards and alternates may be specified for each entry. See the hex docs for more detail.
  • The task is a 3-tuple of {module, function, args} as would be passed to Kernel.apply/3.