
Monthly Downloads: 4
Programming language: Erlang
License: Apache License 2.0
Tags: Third Party APIs    
Latest version: v0.1.1

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Everex is an Evernote API client for Elixir. It uses a modified version of the Erlang Thrift library, together with compiled output from the Evernote Cloud API IDL files.

NOTE: Everex is UNDER DEVELOPMENT, and is NOT ready for production use. Feedback and contributions (via pull requests) are very welcome, of course!


It's so far possible to list tags, list notebooks, find notes, and retrieve note data.

An authentication token is required before connecting, and can be either a user token retrieved using OAuth or a developer token.

Everex now represents Thrift data structures as structs, to keep client usage idiomatic and the data more self-explanatory. See examples below.

UPDATE: There is now an example showing how to get access using the OAuth authentication process. See examples/oauth.exs. This requires having an API key, of course, and exporting the environment variables EN_CONSUMER_KEY / EN_CONSUMER_SECRET before running the example.


Add Everex to your dependencies in mix.exs:

  defp deps do
    [{:everex, "~> 0.1.1"}]

You also need to include :everex in your application list:

  def application do
    [applications: [:everex]]


NOTE: It's assumed that you're testing in the Evernote Sandbox, with a developer token.

iex(1)> {:ok, client} = Everex.Client.new(System.get_env("EN_DEVELOPER_TOKEN"), sandbox: true)
{:ok, #PID<0.1295.0>}
iex(2)> client |> Everex.NoteStore.list_tags
 [%Everex.Types.Tag{guid: "98590060-4eaa-44fe-8514-50cb158742c2",
   name: "one_tag", parentGuid: :undefined, updateSequenceNum: 20},
  %Everex.Types.Tag{guid: "f8484cd9-f213-4072-9df5-c0ab49f79fe3",
   name: "another_tag", parentGuid: :undefined, updateSequenceNum: 22}]}
iex(3)> tag_filter = %Everex.Types.NoteFilter{tagGuids: ["98590060-4eaa-44fe-8514-50cb158742c2"]}
%Everex.Types.NoteFilter{ascending: :undefined, emphasized: :undefined,
 inactive: :undefined, notebookGuid: :undefined, order: :undefined,
 tagGuids: ["98590060-4eaa-44fe-8514-50cb158742c2"], timeZone: :undefined,
 words: :undefined}
iex(4)> client |> Everex.NoteStore.find_notes_metadata(tag_filter)
 %Everex.Types.NotesMetadataList{notes: [%Everex.Types.NoteMetadata{attributes: :undefined,
    contentLength: :undefined, created: :undefined, deleted: :undefined,
    guid: "9a6cbc15-613c-4e77-b184-76829421c3db",
    largestResourceMime: :undefined, largestResourceSize: :undefined,
    notebookGuid: :undefined, tagGuids: :undefined, title: :undefined,
    updateSequenceNum: :undefined, updated: :undefined}],
  searchedWords: :undefined, startIndex: 0, stoppedWords: :undefined,
  totalNotes: 1, updateCount: 22}}
iex(5)> client |> Everex.NoteStore.get_note("9a6cbc15-613c-4e77-b184-76829421c3db",true)
 %Everex.Types.Note{active: true,
  attributes: %Everex.Types.NoteAttributes{altitude: :undefined,
   applicationData: :undefined, author: "jevernotedev",
   classifications: :undefined, contentClass: :undefined, creatorId: :undefined,
   lastEditedBy: :undefined, lastEditorId: :undefined, latitude: :undefined,
   longitude: :undefined, placeName: :undefined, reminderDoneTime: :undefined,
   reminderOrder: :undefined, reminderTime: :undefined, shareDate: :undefined,
   source: :undefined, sourceApplication: :undefined, sourceURL: :undefined,
   subjectDate: :undefined},
  content: "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM \"http://xml.evernote.com/pub/enml2.dtd\">\n<en-note><div>We'll tag these, too!<br clear=\"none\"/></div><div><br clear=\"none\"/></div></en-note>",
  contentHash: <<224, 142, 222, 77, 133, 184, 83, 71, 40, 126, 14, 48, 128, 249, 99, 18>>,
  contentLength: 203, created: 1424066828000, deleted: :undefined,
  guid: "9a6cbc15-613c-4e77-b184-76829421c3db",
  notebookGuid: "ebaf248b-667b-4511-beb5-ab3e8749d38d", resources: :undefined,
  tagGuids: ["98590060-4eaa-44fe-8514-50cb158742c2"], tagNames: :undefined,
  title: "Another test, to be sure", updateSequenceNum: 19,
  updated: 1424066857000}}


For testing, you'll need an Evernote Sandbox account and a personal developer token:

export EN_DEVELOPER_TOKEN="<your_token>"
mix test


Copyright 2015 Johan Wärlander

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the everex README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.