FakeServer integrates with ExUnit to make external APIs testing simpler. With it, you run your test with an HTTP server, which can take the place of the external services that needs to be requested during that test.
Once the server is running, you can configure custom responses for the routes that will be requested. With FakeServe is easy to test complex scenarios such as caching, timeouts and chained requests.
FakeServer alternatives and similar packages
Based on the "Testing" category.
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Bypass provides a quick way to create a custom plug that can be put in place instead of an actual HTTP server to return prebaked responses to client requests. -
Interactive watch mode for Elixir's mix test. -
A simple Elixir package to elegantly mock module functions within (asynchronous) ExUnit tests using Erlang's :meck library
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of FakeServer or a related project?
FakeServer is an HTTP server that simulates responses. It can be used in test and development environments, helping to validate the behavior of your application if there are errors or unexpected responses from some external HTTP service.
It provides the test_with_server
macro to be used together with ExUnit, making it easier to write tests that need to request external services. Instead of creating a mock when you need make a request, you can use a real HTTP server that will reply a deterministic response. This way you can validate if your application can handle it.
can also be used through functions, when ExUnit is not available (in the console, for example).
Important: From the version 2.0, FakeServer only supports cowboy 2.x. If you have cowboy 1.x as dependency, use FakeServer version 1.5.
FakeServer is available on Hex. First, add it to mix.exs
as a test dependency:
def deps do
{:fake_server, "~> 2.1", only: :test}
Then, start fake_server
application on test/test_helper.exs
{:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:fake_server)
Basic Usage
For more examples you can see the docs.
FakeServer provides the macro FakeServer.test_with_server
. It works like ExUnit's test
macro, but before your test starts it will run an HTTP server in a random port (by default). The server will be available until test case is finished.
You can use the FakeServer.route
macro to add a route and setup it's response. Use FakeServer.http_address
to get the address of the server running in the current test. Each test will start its own HTTP server.
defmodule MyTest do
use ExUnit.Case
import FakeServer
test_with_server "returns 404 if a request is made to a non-configured route" do
response = HTTPoison.get!("#{FakeServer.address}/not/configured")
assert response.status_code == 404
test_with_server "when the response is a structure it returns the given response" do
route "/test", Response.no_content!()
response = HTTPoison.get!("#{FakeServer.address}/test")
assert response.status_code == 204
test_with_server "when the response is a list it returns the first element of the list and removes it" do
route "/test", [Response.ok!(), Response.no_content!()]
response = HTTPoison.get!("#{FakeServer.address}/test")
assert response.status_code == 200
response = HTTPoison.get!("#{FakeServer.address}/test")
assert response.status_code == 204
test_with_server "when the response is a function it runs the function" do
route "/say/hi", fn(_) -> IO.puts "HI!" end
response = HTTPoison.get! "#{FakeServer.address}/say/hi"
test_with_server "computes hits for the corresponding route" do
route "/test", Response.no_content!()
assert hits() == 0
assert hits("/test") == 0
assert hits() == 1
assert hits("/test") == 1
test_with_server "supports inline port configuration", [port: 55_000] do
assert FakeServer.port() == 55_000
Setup Server
If you need to do some setup before every test_with_server
tests, you can define a setup_test_with_server/1
function in your module. This function will receive a %FakeServer.Instance{} struct as a parameter.
Standalone Server
You can use a fake server without ExUnit with FakeServer.start
and other helper functions available. Functions work similar to macros, but can be used outside the tests.
iex> {:ok, pid} = FakeServer.start(:my_server)
{:ok, #PID<0.302.0>}
iex> :ok = FakeServer.put_route(pid, "/say/hi", fn(_) -> IO.puts "HI!" end)
iex> {:ok, port} = FakeServer.port(:my_server)
{:ok, 62698}
For more examples you can see the docs.