
Monthly Downloads: 13,952
Programming language: Elixir
License: MIT License
Tags: Geolocation    
Latest version: v0.7.2

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Documentation: http://hexdocs.pm/geocalc

Calculate distance, bearing and more between latitude/longitude points

All the formulas are adapted from http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html


First, add Geocalc to your mix.exs dependencies:

def deps do
  [{:geocalc, "~> 0.5"}]

And then fetch your dependencies:

$ mix deps.get


Calculate distance (in meters) between 2 points

Geocalc.distance_between([50.0663889, -5.7147222], [58.6438889, -3.07])
# => 968853.5464535094

Calculate if point is inside a circle given by a center point and a radius (in meters)

san_juan = [18.4655, 66.1057]
puerto_rico = [18.2208, 66.5901]
Geocalc.within?(170_000, san_juan, puerto_rico)
# => true

Get destination point given distance (meters) from start and end point

Geocalc.destination_point([50.0663889, -5.7147222], [58.6438889, -3.07], 100_000)
# => {:ok, [50.95412546615634, -5.488452905258299]}

Get destination point given distance (meters) and bearing from start point

Geocalc.destination_point([50.0663889, -5.7147222], 2.123, 100_000)
# => {:ok, [49.58859917965055, -4.533613856982982]}

Calculate bearing from start and end points

Geocalc.bearing([50.0663889, -5.7147222], [58.6438889, -3.07])
# => 0.1591708517503001

Get intersection point given start points and bearings

Geocalc.intersection_point([50.0663889, -5.7147222], 2.123, [55.0663889, -15.7147222], 2.123)
# => {:ok, [48.04228582473962, -1.0347033632388496]}

Geocalc.intersection_point([50.0663889, -5.7147222], 2.123, [50.0663889, -5.7147222], 2.123)
# => {:error, "No intersection point found"}

Get bounding box from a point and radius

berlin = [52.5075419, 13.4251364]
radius = 10_000
Geocalc.bounding_box(berlin, radius)
# => [[52.417520954378574, 13.277235453275123], [52.59756284562143, 13.573037346724874]]

Get bounding box from a list of points

berlin = [52.5075419, 13.4251364]
rome = [41.9102415, 12.3959161]
minsk = [53.8838884, 27.5949741]
Geocalc.bounding_box_for_points([berlin, rome, minsk])
# => [[41.9102415, 12.3959161], [53.8838884, 27.5949741]]

Get geographical center point

berlin = [52.5075419, 13.4251364]
london = [51.5286416, -0.1015987]
rome = [41.9102415, 12.3959161]
Geocalc.geographic_center([berlin, london, rome])
# => [48.810406537400254, 8.785092188535195]

Get maximum latitude reached when travelling on a great circle on given bearing from the point

berlin = [52.5075419, 13.4251364]
paris = [48.8588589, 2.3475569]
bearing = Geocalc.bearing(berlin, paris)
Geocalc.max_latitude(berlin, bearing)
# => 55.953467429882835

Get distance from the point to great circle defined by start-point and end-point

berlin = [52.5075419, 13.4251364]
london = [51.5286416, -0.1015987]
paris = [48.8588589, 2.3475569]
Geocalc.cross_track_distance_to(berlin, london, paris)
# => -877680.2992295175

Calculate how far the point is along a path from from start-point, heading towards end-point

berlin = [52.5075419, 13.4251364]
london = [51.5286416, -0.1015987]
paris = [48.8588589, 2.3475569]
Geocalc.along_track_distance_to(berlin, london, paris)
# => 310412.6031976226

Get the pair of meridians at which a great circle defined by two points crosses the given latitude

berlin = [52.5075419, 13.4251364]
paris = [48.8588589, 2.3475569]
Geocalc.crossing_parallels(berlin, paris, 12.3456)
# => {:ok, 123.179463369946, -39.81144878508576}

Convert degrees to radians

# => -2.007128639793479

Convert radians to degrees

# => 70.70299191914359

Geocalc.Point protocol

Everything which implements Geocalc.Point protocol can be passed as a point argument for any function in this library. We already have implementations for List, Tuple and Map. You can define your own implementations if you need, everything we need to know to do calculations are latitude and longitude.


Geocalc.DMS is a struct which contains degrees, minutes and seconds, which also can be used in Geocalc.Point.

Additionally now there is an options to convert Geocalc.DMS to decimal degrees.

dms = %Geocalc.DMS{hours: 13, minutes: 31, seconds: 59.998, direction: "N"}
# => 13.533332777777778