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A simple, efficient geocoder/reverse geocoder with a built-in cache.

Is it extensible? Yes. Is it any good? Absolutely.


Keep calm and add :geocoder to your mix.exs dependencies:

def deps do
    {:geocoder, "~> 1.1"}

Update your mix dependencies:

mix deps.get

If you are Elixir < 1.9, you'll need to use a version before 1.0.


Prod & Dev

All configuration below is optional. Sane defaults are set so you don't need to think too hard.

Set pool configuration:

config :geocoder, :worker_pool_config, size: 4, max_overflow: 2

Set provider configuration:

config :geocoder, :worker,
  # OpenStreetMaps or OpenCageData are other supported providers
  provider: Geocoder.Providers.GoogleMaps,
  key: System.get_env("GEOCODER_GOOGLE_API_KEY")

Note that OpenStreetMaps (the default provider) is the only provider that does not require an API key to operate. All other providers require an API key that you'll need to provide.

If you need to set a proxy (or any other option supported by HTTPoison.get/3):

config :geocoder, Geocoder.Worker, [
  httpoison_options: [proxy: "my.proxy.server:3128", proxy_auth: {"username", "password"}]

If you want to change the cache precision (defaults to 6):

config :geocoder, Geocoder.Store, precision: 6


To avoid making external requests in the context of the test suite, usage of the [Fake](./lib/geocoder/providers/fake.ex) provider is recommended.

The fake provider can be configured by adding a :data tuple to the Geocoder.Worker configuration as shown below.

The keys of the data map must be in either regex or tuple format (specifically a {lat, lng} style pair of floats).

# config/test.exs
config :geocoder, :worker,
  provider: Geocoder.Providers.Fake

config :geocoder, Geocoder.Worker,
  data: %{
    ~r/.*New York, NY.*/ => %{
      lat: 40.7587905,
      lon: -73.9787755,
      bounds: %{
        bottom: 40.7587405,
        left: -73.9788255,
        right: -73.9787255,
        top: 40.7588405,
      location: %{
        city: "New York",
        country: "United States",
        country_code: "us",
        county: "New York County", 
        formatted_address: "30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112, United States of America",
        postal_code: "10112",
        state: "New York",
        street: "Rockefeller Plaza",
        street_number: "30"
    {40.7587905, -73.9787755} => %{
      lat: 40.7587905,
      lon: -73.9787755,
      bounds: %{
        bottom: 40.7587405,
        left: -73.9788255,
        right: -73.9787255,
        top: 40.7588405,
      location: %{
        city: "New York",
        country: "United States",
        country_code: "us",
        county: "New York County", 
        formatted_address: "30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112, United States of America",
        postal_code: "10112",
        state: "New York",
        street: "Rockefeller Plaza",
        street_number: "30"

Let's rumble!


{:ok, coordinates } = Geocoder.call("Toronto, ON")
{:ok, coordinates } = Geocoder.call({43.653226, -79.383184})


You can pass options to the function that will be passed to the geocoder provider, for example:

Geocoder.call(address: "Toronto, ON", language: "es", key: "...", ...)

You can also change the provider on a per-call basis:

{:ok, coordinates } =
    # use the default provider
    {:error, nil} <- Geocoder.call(query),
    # use an alternative provider. If `key` is not specified here the globally defined key will be used.
    {:error, nil} <- Geocoder.call(query, provider: Geocoder.Providers.OpenCageData, key: "123"),
    do: {:error}

See here and here for a list of supported parameters for the google maps geocoder provider (Geocoder.Provider.GoogleMaps).

And you're done! How simple was that?


Any additional Providers must implement all of the following functions:



Right now, :geocoder supports three external providers (i.e. sources):

  • Geocoder.Providers.GoogleMaps
  • Geocoder.Providers.OpenCageData
  • Geocoder.Providers.OpenStreetMaps

To run the tests for these, and any future providers, you'll want to pass a PROVIDER environment variable:

PROVIDER=google mix test

By default, the tests against the [Fake](./lib/geocoder/providers/fake.ex) provider.

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Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2015 Kash Nouroozi

The source code is licensed under the [MIT License](./LICENSE.md).

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the geocoder README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.