
Monthly Downloads: 68
Programming language: Elixir
License: Apache License 2.0
Tags: Miscellaneous    
Latest version: v0.6.0

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BUPE is an Elixir ePub generator and parser, it supports EPUB v2 and v3.


First, add bupe to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:bupe, "~> MAJOR.MINOR"}]

To find out the latest release available on Hex, you can run mix hex.info bupe in your shell, or by going to the bupe page on Hex.pm

Then, update your dependencies:

$ mix deps.get



If you want to create an EPUB file you can do the following:

iex(1)> pages = "~/book/*.xhtml" |> Path.expand() |> Path.wildcard()
["/Users/dev/book/bacon.xhtml", "/Users/dev/book/egg.xhtml", "/Users/dev/book/ham.xhtml"]
iex(2)> config = %BUPE.Config{
...(2)>  title: "Sample",
...(2)>  language: "en",
...(2)>  creator: "John Doe",
...(2)>  publisher: "Sample",
...(2)>  pages: pages
...(2)> }
  audio: [],
  contributor: nil,
  cover: true,
  coverage: nil,
  creator: "John Doe",
  date: nil,
  description: nil,
  fonts: [],
  format: nil,
  identifier: nil,
  images: [],
  language: "en",
  logo: nil,
  modified: nil,
  nav: [],
  pages: ["/Users/dev/book/bacon.xhtml",
  publisher: "Sample",
  relation: nil,
  rights: nil,
  scripts: [],
  source: nil,
  styles: [],
  subject: nil,
  title: "Sample",
  type: nil,
  unique_identifier: nil,
  version: "3.0"
iex(3)> BUPE.build(config, "sample.epub")
{:ok, '/Users/dev/sample.epub'}

If you prefer, you can build the EPUB document in memory doing the following:

iex(4)> BUPE.build(config, "sample.epub", [:memory])
  <<80, 75, 3, 4, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 61, 123, 119, 78, 111, 97, 171, 44, 20, 0,
    0, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 109, 105, 109, 101, 116, 121, 112, 101, 97,
    112, 112, 108, 105, 99, 97, 116, ...>>}}

If you want to have more control over the pages configuration, instead of passing a list of string, you can provide a list of %BUPE.Item{} like this:

iex(1)> pages = [%BUPE.Item{href: "/Users/dev/book/bacon.xhtml", description: "Ode to Bacon"}]
    description: "Ode to Bacon",
    duration: nil,
    fallback: nil,
    href: "/Users/dev/book/bacon.xhtml",
    id: nil,
    media_overlay: nil,
    media_type: nil,
    properties: ""

The given description will be used in the Table of Contents of EPUB document, otherwise BUPE will provide a default description based on the file name.

If your page include JavaScript, is recommended that you use the properties field from %BUPE.Item{} like this:

iex(2)> pages = [%BUPE.Item{href: "/Users/dev/book/bacon.xhtml", description: "Ode to Bacon", properties: "scripted"}]
    description: "Ode to Bacon",
    duration: nil,
    fallback: nil,
    href: "/Users/dev/book/bacon.xhtml",
    id: nil,
    media_overlay: nil,
    media_type: nil,
    properties: "scripted"

Keep in mind that if you put the scripted property on a page that does not have any JavaScript, you will get warnings from validation tools such as EPUBCheck.

See BUPE.Builder, BUPE.Config, and BUPE.Item for more details.

Using the builder via command line

You can build EPUB documents using the command line as follows:

  1. Install BUPE as an escript:
mix escript.install hex bupe
  1. Then you are ready to use it in your projects:
bupe "EPUB_TITLE" -p egg.xhtml -p bacon.xhtml -l path/to/logo.png

For more details about using the command line tool, review the usage guide:

bupe --help


If you want to parse an EPUB file you can do the following:

iex> BUPE.parse("sample.epub")
  audio: nil,
  contributor: nil,
  cover: true,
  coverage: nil,
  creator: "John Doe",
  date: nil,
  description: nil,
  fonts: nil,
  format: nil,
  identifier: "urn:uuid:bc864bda-1a0b-4014-a72f-30f6dc60e120",
  images: nil,
  language: "en",
  logo: nil,
  modified: "2019-03-23T20:22:20Z",
  nav: [
    %{idref: 'cover', linear: 'no'},
    %{idref: 'nav'},
    %{idref: 'pages-ecbedca7-f77e-46b6-8fe2-99718d00c903'},
    %{idref: 'pages-59ad8356-e46d-4328-b7cc-e81af2880c3a'},
    %{idref: 'pages-1d3ee5e3-cf45-4e45-bd79-8a931e293584'}
  pages: [
      href: 'nav.xhtml',
      id: 'nav',
      "media-type": 'application/xhtml+xml',
      properties: 'nav'
    %{href: 'title.xhtml', id: 'cover', "media-type": 'application/xhtml+xml'},
      href: 'content/bacon.xhtml',
      id: 'pages-ecbedca7-f77e-46b6-8fe2-99718d00c903',
      "media-type": 'application/xhtml+xml',
      properties: 'scripted'
      href: 'content/egg.xhtml',
      id: 'pages-59ad8356-e46d-4328-b7cc-e81af2880c3a',
      "media-type": 'application/xhtml+xml',
      properties: 'scripted'
      href: 'content/ham.xhtml',
      id: 'pages-1d3ee5e3-cf45-4e45-bd79-8a931e293584',
      "media-type": 'application/xhtml+xml',
      properties: 'scripted'
  publisher: "Sample",
  relation: nil,
  rights: nil,
  scripts: nil,
  source: nil,
  styles: [%{href: 'css/stylesheet.css', id: 'css', "media-type": 'text/css'}],
  subject: nil,
  title: "Sample",
  type: nil,
  unique_identifier: "BUPE",
  version: "3.0"

See BUPE.Parser for more details.


BUPE source code is released under Apache 2 License.

Check the [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more information.

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the bupe README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.